Daily “PiCK-ME-UPs” – 11th Tammuz, 5769


Daily “PiCK-ME-UPs” – 11th Tammuz, 5769

Daily PiCK-ME-UPs the book


Prayer Quote

Instead of Cursing

Instead of cursing those who hurt us, instead of bringing black clouds of negativity and ugliness into our lives, let us rather call to our Creator for help; let us look for His light, a white, joyous, healing light.

By: Rabbi Avraham Tzvi Schwartz of “Self-Growth.

Hassid bar

Empower yourself, enjoy life!
Not just another book, but a series of lessons to change our lives, turning darkness to light, misery to joy, shame into dignity; giving us a sense of direction, that we may move through our days with enthusiasm and passion, turning each moment into a jewel, a treasure, and a source of great pleasure and enjoyment. Click here for more.

FREE INSPIRATIONAL POSTER – To download high resolution version, click here.

Please visit Rabbi Avraham Tzvi Schwartz’s blog at: Keep Smiling ~ Self-Wealth

DIVINE LIGHT – 11th Tammuz, 5769


DIVINE LIGHT – 11th Tammuz, 5769

The Baal Shem Tov Times

The Mystical Light of the Baal Shem Tov

Section 16.

The Maggid of Mezritch, successor to the Baal Shem Tov, was once asked for a favor by his disciple and successor, Reb Shneur Zalman, later known as the Alter Rebbe.1

“Ask what you will,” the Maggid said.

“I wish to know the essence of the Baal Shem Tov,” replied Reb Schneur Zalman.

“You have asked a difficult question,” the Maggid answered. “Had he lived during the era of the Tannaim, he would have been remarkable; had he lived in the period of the Prophets he would have been an innovation, while in the times of our Forefathers he would also have been significant.”

This anecdote was related by the Tzemach Tzedek. He went on to add that his grandfather, Rabbi Schneur Zalman, had continued, “If I had not heard this directly from my Rebbe (the Mezritcher Maggid), who knew the Baal Shem Tov from personal observation and experience, I would not have believed that the Baal Shem Tov had been born of a woman.”
Sipurei Baal Shem Tov

1Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson (1789-1866), the grandson of the Alter Rebbe and the third Rebbe of Chabad

Translation and Commentary by Translation and commentary by Rabbi Dr. Eliezer Shore.

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       Sefer Baal Shem Parsha Of The Week List

   Description:   Gain a deeper understanding of the weekly Torah portion sent to your email address once a week.
   How to Join:   Send an email to majordomo@baalshemtov.com with the words subscribe seferbaalshemtov in the body of the message. This email will automatically subscribe you to the list. If you choose to leave the list, you may do so at any time by sending an email to the address above with the words ‘unsubscribe seferbaalshemtov‘ in the body of the message.

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for the most inclusive selection of books on the
Baal Shem Tov
Mezuzah Campaign

Source: The Baal Shem Tov Foundation

I will greatly appreciate your donations to the Baal Shem Tov Foundation. All of the money they receive is used to operate their websites (www.BaalShemTov.com and www.Mezuzah.net), produce and distribute the weekly Baal Shem Tov Times, and translate original sources of the teachings of the Baal Shem Tov including, Keser Shem Tov and Sefer Baal Shem Tov. Their future plans include rebuilding the Baal Shem Tov website, promoting the World Wide Mezuzah Campaign and offering a number of tele-classes about the life and teachings of the Baal Shem Tov.

Please click here for your Tax Exempt donation.

The HEART OF PRAYER – 10th Tammuz, 5769


THE HEART OF PRAYER – 10th Tammuz, 5769

The Baal Shem Tov Times

The Baal Shem Tov’s Teachings on Prayer

Section 4a(3)

“A prayer for a poor man when he enwraps himself and pours out his speech before G·d,”1 Shouldn’t the verse say, “a prayer from a poor man”? The Baal Shem Tov explained this with a parable.

There was once a great and compassionate king, who proclaimed that he would grant every request that was made of him. Some people asked for silver and gold, others for positions of authority. One wise man, however, asked to find grace in the king’s eyes and to be allowed to speak with him three times a day. The king was pleased with his wisdom, seeing that he preferred the king’s words to gold and silver, and so he decreed that whenever the man would enter his inner chamber to speak with him, he should be led past the king’s treasuries and be allowed to take whatever he wants.

Now, the king is best called a “poor man,” for he really has nothing: everything is under the supervision of his treasurer. Thus it says, “A prayer for a poor man.” Meaning, this person beseeches and prays to the King of Kings, the Poor One, that he should be allowed to speak to Him. “When he is enwrapped” means that in his request are enwrapped all the delights and treasures of the King of Kings, for he prays that he should be able speak to the Him himself. In this is everything.
Toldos Yaakov Yosef p. 178c

1Psalms 102:1

Translation and Commentary by Rabbi Dr. Eliezer Shore

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Join the Baal Shem Tov Mailing Lists

       Baal Shem Tov Story Of The Week List

   Description:   Enjoy reading the weekly Baal Shem Tov story of inspiration sent to your email address once a week.
   How to Join:   Send an email to majordomo@baalshemtov.com with the words subscribe baalshemtov-stories in the body of the message. This email will automatically subscribe you to the list. If you choose to leave the list, you may do so at any time by sending an email to the address above with the words ‘unsubscribe baalshemtov-stories’ in the body of the message.

       Sefer Baal Shem Parsha Of The Week List

   Description:   Gain a deeper understanding of the weekly Torah portion sent to your email address once a week.
   How to Join:   Send an email to majordomo@baalshemtov.com with the words subscribe seferbaalshemtov in the body of the message. This email will automatically subscribe you to the list. If you choose to leave the list, you may do so at any time by sending an email to the address above with the words ‘unsubscribe seferbaalshemtov‘ in the body of the message.

Visit the new
BST Publishing Store
for the most inclusive selection of books on the
Baal Shem Tov
Mezuzah Campaign

Source: The Baal Shem Tov Foundation

I will greatly appreciate your donations to the Baal Shem Tov Foundation. All of the money they receive is used to operate their websites (www.BaalShemTov.com and www.Mezuzah.net), produce and distribute the weekly Baal Shem Tov Times, and translate original sources of the teachings of the Baal Shem Tov including, Keser Shem Tov and Sefer Baal Shem Tov. Their future plans include rebuilding the Baal Shem Tov website, promoting the World Wide Mezuzah Campaign and offering a number of tele-classes about the life and teachings of the Baal Shem Tov.

Please click here for your Tax Exempt donation.

Daily Wisdom Portion of Kabbalah – 11th Tammuz, 5769


Daily Wisdom Portion of Kabbalah – 11th Tammuz, 5769

The Wisdom of Kabbalah

“Love thy friend as thyself.” Rabbi Akiva says this is a great rule in the Torah Collective and Individual

The Love for the Creator & Love for the Created BeingsTwo Parts to the Torah: Between Man and G-d and Between Man and Man

Even if we see that there are two parts to the Torah: The first – Mitzvot between man and G-d, and the second – Mitzvot between man and man, they are both one and the same thing. This means that the actual purpose of them and the desired goal are one, namely Lishma.

It makes no difference if one works for one’s friend or for the Creator. That is because it is carved in us by the nature of creation that anything that comes from the outside appears empty and unreal.

Because of that we are compelled to begin with Lo Lishma. Rambam says, “our sages said: ‘One should always study the Torah, and even Lo Lishma, because from Lo Lishma one comes to Lishma.’ Therefore when teaching the young, the women and the illiterate, they are taught to work out of fear and in order to be rewarded, until they accumulate knowledge and gain wisdom. Then they are told that secret little by little and they are accustomed to that matter with ease until they attain and know Him and serve Him with love.”

Thus, when one completes one’s work in love and bestowal for one’s fellow person and comes to the highest point, one also completes one’s love and bestowal for the Creator. In that state there is no difference between the two, for anything that is outside one’s body, meaning one’s self-interest is judged equally – either to bestow upon one’s friend or bestow contentment upon one’s Maker.

This is what Hillel Hanasi assumed, that “Love thy friend as thyself” is the ultimate goal in the practice. That is because it is the clearest form to mankind.

We should not be mistaken with deeds, for they are set before ones eyes. We know that if we precede the needs of our own, it is bestowal. For that reason Hillel does not define the goal as “And though shalt love the Lord thy G-d with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy might,” because they are indeed one and the same thing. It is so because one should also love one’s friend with all his heart and with all his soul and with all his might, because that is the meaning of the words “as thyself.” After all one certainly loves oneself with all one’s heart and soul and might, but with regards to the Creator, one may deceive oneself; and with one’s friend it is always spread out before his eyes.

By Rabbi Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag – Baal HaSulam, The Love for the Creator & Love for the Created Beings

Source: kabbalah.info

Today 11th Tammuz, 5769 – “Little Mitzvos


Today 11th Tammuz, 5769 – “Little Mitzvos

Little Mitzvos Org

You may think, how does one little Mitzvo help . . .

Our times are calling out to us to do Teshuva, but it’s too hard for us to change our lives. Even when we try, we end up reverting back to nothing, everything as was. We MUST show HaShem that we are seeing the signs and that it means something to us.

In this way, when HaShem asks what did we did, we can reply “I took this on…”

You must not consider this “Little Mitzvos” as a replacement for the Shulchan Oruch – you must continue learning Halochos via mainstream Seforim and with Shiurim.

Daily Activity

Do not touch body until washing hands.

Source: Little Mitzvos Org

The Daily GuardUrEyes Chizuk – 11th Tammuz, 5769


The Daily GuardUrEyes Chizuk – 11th Tammuz, 5769


A website for Jews struggling to maintain their moral purity in today’s world

Why is Sexual purity so important in Judaism? Our sages called Shmiras Habris “Yesod”, meaning “Foundation”. The foundation of a building is “underground” and no one sees it, yet it holds up the entire building! Shmiras Habris is the hidden part of a Jew, it’s the real you. If the foundation of a Jew is weak, his whole spiritual structure is fragile and in grave danger of collapse. At guardureyes.com we are finally joining together, for ourselves and for all future generations, to strengthen the foundations of our people!

There is a lot of material out there on the subject of guarding the eyes and the Bris, but sometimes “too much” is overwhelming.
A little bit each day is just right, to be able to read, digest and apply it to our lives.

Today’s Shmiras Ainayim Chizuk

The Zohar compares this world to a churning ocean and the body of a man to a ship in the sea. Therefore, man requires knowledge in order to guide himself on a straight course, avoiding mishap and losing his way. The ocean of life roars fearfully and continuously. The winds of challenge blow and the negative impulse rips about like a tornado with unimaginable force. All of life comprises great and endless tests, which can easily capsize the ship and sink it into the murky, nethermost depths.

Yirat Shamayim and the study of Mussar will prevent the body from sinking into the miry depths of desire and corrupt character traits.
(Rabbi Yitzchak Blazer, Ohr Yisrael)


A person’s real essence is his good and holy soul. But because the soul is contained within a body, its light becomes dimmed. By performing the Mitzvot (Divine Service), the soul is able to express itself through good character traits and good deeds. A tzaddik is often described as having a shining countenance because his soul is so developed and radiant. However, if we do not observe the Mitzvot, the bodily forces gain the upper hand and we witness the emergence of improper deeds and base character traits.

“My son, give Me your heart and let your eyes observe My ways.” (Mishlei 23:26) The Midrash explains that Hashem is saying, “If you give me your heart and eyes, then you are My children. Whereas, if you do not give Me your heart and eyes, you are not Mine.” Meaning, control of one’s heart and eyes is the major criteria for being close to Hashem.

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Two Free e-Books, courtesy of GuardUrEyes that will change your life!
Right click on the links below and choose “Save Link/Target As” to download them to your computer. (Print them out to read at your leisure!)

The Guard Your Eyes Handbook. Courtesy of GuardUrEyes
The Guard Your Eyes Attitude. Courtesy of GuardUrEyes

The GuardUrEyes E-mail Chizuk Lists

The Yetzer Hara thinks of new ways to win us over every day. What better way to combat him than to have some chizuk and a new insight every day!

List 1.The GuardUrEyes Chizuk List – Breaking Free.
Receive each day antidotes, tips, articles or quotes from the holy texts, therapists and fellow strugglers, to help you break free of sexual addictions, pornography and/or masturbation. (Click the light-blue tool-bar above to browse the hundreds of previous chizuk e-mails sent out from this list).

List 2.General Chizuk in Shmiras Ainayim
This list will focus less on the “addiction” aspect and more on general Chizuk in Shmiras Ainayim that anyone can use, addicted or not. This list is less intense and explicit than the first, and is appropriate for everyone. (Click the light-pink tool-bar above to browse the previous chizuk e-mails sent out from this list).

Please note: We strongly advise anyone who struggles with masturbation or pornography, even if infrequently, to join the first list as well.

Click here to join one (OR BOTH) of the Chizuk lists described below.

Source: GuardUrEyes

Daily Writings on Kabbalah and Torah – 11th Tammuz, 5769


Daily Writings on Kabbalah and Torah – 11th Tammuz, 5769

True Kabbalah org

Everyone has different abilities depending on the tribe they represent.
Let us all unify and work together in the battle against the Sitra Acher.


The physical manifestations of someone entering the Pardas

–   R’ Yishmoel would meditate on divine names. His soul would leave his body and transcend to upper chambers of Olam Yitzirah.
–   His physical body would stay on earth.
–   When one is holding in that state of holiness it manifests down on his physical matter.
–   If someone were to look at R’ Yishmoel’s body as he was gazing the Markava( supernal chariot) he would see a blazing fire of glorious light surrounding his body.
–   In fact a regular person would have been blinded and consumed just by looking at this fearsome fire.
–   Only the holy sages were able to stand in the presents of one transcending the supernal chambers.
–   This was a common occurrence in Hychlot Rabbiti where R’Nechunya taught these mysteries.

Source: TrueKabbalah.org

Teachings of the Sages – 11th Tammuz, 5769


Teachings of the Sages – 11th Tammuz, 5769

Two Tzadiks


R’ Pinchas followed the Baal Shem Tov’s custom to declare, before praying, “I hereby bind myself to all the tzaddikim of the generation”.*

*Imrei Pinchas HaShalem, Sha’ar Parshiyos u-Moadim, Elul, 424 (A, B), cited in “Breslov Eikh she-Hu: Breslov the Way It Is—Customs and Practices, Past and Present,” by Dovid Sears and Dovid Zeitlin (C)

By Rebbe Pinchas of Koretz

Source: Two Tzaddiks

Rabbi Nachman’sSayings & Teachings – 11th Tammuz, 5769


Rabbi Nachman’s – Sayings & Teachings – From The Essential Rabbi Nachman

Azamra org - Torah for Our Time

A treasury of sayings, teachings, parables and stories by the outstanding Chassidic sage, mystic and visionary, Rabbi Nachman of Breslov (1772-1810), whose message of faith, hope, courage, simplicity and joy is essential to each one of us and essential to the whole world.

Translated by Avraham Greenbaum


Everything depends on a person’s work and effort, nothing else. With work and effort, everyone can reach great levels.

Chayey Moharan #230

Rabbi Nachman of Breslov
“It is a great mitzvah to be happy.”

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Subscribe for free emails: AZAMRA EMAIL LIST, Weekly Torah diary and news about Azamra, UNIVERSAL TORAH, weekly emails with commentary on the current Torah Portion, KNOW YOUR BIBLE, daily Study Notes on the NaCh (Prophets & Holy Writings).
Click here to Subscribe.

JOIN AZAMRA’S GLOBAL NETWORK, if you would like to join Azamra in spreading Torah spirituality and healthy living in Israel or anywhere else in the world, please register with the HAVERIM Global Network.

SOURCE:  Aazamra.org - Torah for Our Time

Azamra means “I will sing” (Psalms 146:2)

“And the way to sing the song of joy is by seeking the good in all people, especially in ourselves. Each good point is one more note in the song of life!”

Rabbi Nachman of Breslov

Avodah – Perek Shira – 11th Tammuz, 5769


Perek Shira – 11th Tammuz, 5769


Perek Shira

Perek Shira: Fig Tree – Opportunity Does Grow on Trees!

I once went to barber and noticed a sign on the wall. It had a list of whole bunch of Mitzvos you can get when going to the barber. More than double digits! Now that was a revelation. But the truth is it’s not a revelation at all. Hashem put us on this world to do mitzvos so why would he keep us here even for one extra second bereft of the opportunity to perform them?

For starters there are 6 mitzvos that you can be mikayem every second of your life. Additionally the sefer Chareidim lists mitzvos by part of the body that is used to be mikayem them. He lists 50 mitzvos Aseh and Lo Saaseh Min HaTorah that are just in your heart and another 28 MiDirabanan. Then he goes through mitzvos with the hands, legs, mouth, ears, etc.

In order to really take advantage of the mitzva opportunities you need to know the mitzvos because sadly there are so many things we do that are mitzvos but since we don’t have in mind that we are doing for a mitzva its value is lost. If you study the mitzvos and keep your eyes open you will realize that every second of your life there are multiple mitzva opportunities.

The fig tree is unique in that its fruit blossom at different times. The gemara Eiruvin (54a) says that every time you stick your hand into the tree you will find a fig since they are constantly ripening. On the flip side of that, the gemara in Bava Metzia (21b) says that if you don’t catch the fruit as soon as it blossoms it will fall from the tree and immediately become inedible. The Fig Tree sings “Notzer Ti’eina Yochal Pirya”; he who keeps his eye on the tree will eat its fruits. Same with the mitzvos. Keep your eyes open because it’s a world full of opportunity. But as soon as you take your eye off the ball the opportunity disappears.

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Take advantage of this great opportunity and sign up for RevachL’Neshama’s daily email reminder. Feel free to email this to your friends and family. Who knows, it may arrive right when it is needed most!

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On this day – Limud yomi – 11th Tammuz, 5769


On this day – Limud yomi – 11th Tammuz, 5769


Limud yomi

Limud yomi

Daf yomi: Bava Metzia 69
Yerushalmi yomi: Bava Batra 22
Mishna yomit: Ohalot 3:3
Halacha yomit: Orach Chaim 318:6
Tanach yomi: Tehillim Seder 10
Shabbat parshiot – Eretz Yisroel: Balak
Shabbat parshiot – Diaspora: Chukas

From: Kaluach – Hebrew/civil calendars

Free Download: Kaluach3 is the latest version of Kaluach Hebrew/civil calendars, specially designed for 2000/XP/Vista.

Daily Teachings of the Baal Shem Tov – 11th Tammuz, 5769


Daily Teachings of the Baal Shem Tov – 11th Tammuz, 5769

Baal Shem Tov Foundation

The Baal Shem Tov taught: Prior to the Ne’ilah service on Yom Kippur, one should pray from the machzor (holiday prayer book) in a state of constricted consciousness in order to pray the Ne’ilah service in a state of deveykus.

(Tzava’as HaRivash 39)

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Join the Baal Shem Tov Mailing Lists

       Baal Shem Tov Story Of The Week List

   Description:Enjoy reading the weekly Baal Shem Tov story of inspiration sent to your email address once a week.
   How to Join:   Send an email to majordomo@baalshemtov.com with the words subscribe baalshemtov-stories in the body of the message. This email will automatically subscribe you to the list. If you choose to leave the list, you may do so at any time by sending an email to the address above with the words ‘unsubscribe baalshemtov-stories’ in the body of the message.

       Sefer Baal Shem Parsha Of The Week List

   Description: Gain a deeper understanding of the weekly Torah portion sent to your email address once a week.
   How to Join:   Send an email to majordomo@baalshemtov.com with the words subscribe seferbaalshemtov in the body of the message. This email will automatically subscribe you to the list. If you choose to leave the list, you may do so at any time by sending an email to the address above with the words ‘unsubscribe seferbaalshemtov‘ in the body of the message.

Visit the new
BST Publishing Store
for the most inclusive selection of books on the
Baal Shem Tov
Mezuzah Campaign

Source: The Baal Shem Tov Foundation

Daily Torah Quote – 11th Tammuz, 5769


Daily Torah Quote – 11th Tammuz, 5769

Breslev Israel

“Intelligent people know of what they speak; fools speak of what they know.”

Minchas Shabbos Pirkei Avot 3:18 / Ethics of the Fathers

From: Breslev.co.il

Subscribe to Breslev Israel’s Mailing Lists, please click here.


Tikun Habris – 11th Tammuz, 5769


Tikun Habris – 11th Tammuz, 5769

True Kabbalah org

Tikun Habris is the most important topic to discuss in this low generation, and no one is dealing with it.

If you are Jewish then you are part of the Holy nation. Have mercy on your holy soul and stop blemishing it with the sin of wasting seed. Take heed of what the kabbalah says and stop committing this sin of wasting seed.

The Sin of Wasting Seed

Spilling seed destroys the world, it is counted as if he kills someone. This is referred to in the verse “one who slaughters his kids”.

(SvT Maharil 4)

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A Wonderous Segulah to rectify oneself and to rectify Nefesh Ruach and Neshama. Culled from the Holy ARIZALs works to be said every day after prayers.

Tikun Mem Ches from the Tikunei Zohar has the Segulah to bring that which is precious and holy out of what has fallen into spiritual darkness and to rectify the sins related to the Bris Kodesh.

Whomever says it will be worthy of many wonderous things relating to body and soul.

Click here to download “A Wonderous Segulah“.

Free E-Book “You Shall Be Holy“, click here to download.

Source: TrueKabbalah.org

Aryeh’s DIARY, 6th – 12th Tammuz 5769


Aryeh’s DIARY, 6th – 12th Tammuz 5769

Courtesy of pumpaid.org

28 June-4 July 2009
6-12 Tammuz 5769

Wednesday 1 July / 9 Tammuz
On this day at the end of the First Temple period, the wall of Jerusalem was breached by Nebuchadnezzar’s armies and King Tzedekiah and his ministers tried to escape.

Friday night-Saturday 3-4 July / 12 Tammuz
After five Shabbatot on which the Torah readings in Diaspora communities have been out of sync with those read in Israel, Diaspora communities today catch up with Israel by reading two parshahs together:

Israel Torah Reading BALAK Numbers 22:2-25:9 telling the story of Bilaam’s abortive efforts to curse Israel at the behest of Balak king of Moab; Haftara: Micah 5:6-6:8.

Diaspora Torah Reading CHUKAS Numbers 19:1-22:1 giving the laws of the Red Heiffer and recounting the closing stages of the Children of Israel’s journey to their Land and their miraculous conquests of the Emorites and Bashan; and BALAK Numbers 22:2-25:9 telling the story of Bilaam’s abortive efforts to curse Israel at the behest of Balak king of Moab; Haftara: Micah 5:6-6:8.

SOURCE:  Aazamra.org - Torah for Our Time

Azamra means “I will sing” (Psalms 146:2)

“And the way to sing the song of joy is by seeking the good in all people, especially in ourselves. Each good point is one more note in the song of life!”

Rabbi Nachman of Breslov

Halacha – Tshuvos – 10th Tammuz, 5769


Halacha – Tshuvos – 10th Tammuz, 5769


Rav Moshe Shternbuch – Cheirem Of Rabbeinu Gershon On Marriage & Mail, Is It Still Valid?

Rav Shternbuch was asked (3:388) about a case where a person was owed a large some of money by someone who absconded from the country. Somehow a letter sent to the debtor came into the possession of the creditor, who felt that the contents of the letter would be help him in the Din Torah he was preparing against his opponent. He wanted to know if there was a cheirem of Rabbeinu Gershon to open it.

Rav Shternbuch answered that if a person is on the right side of the halacha he can take the law into his own hands when he is facing a financial loss, even to the point of striking his friend. Hitting someone also has a Cheirem against it, yet since the halacha is that he need not worry about hitting, says Rav Shternbuch, he surely need not worry about opening a letter. However cautions Rav Shternbuch, this is not a heter for people to go around hitting each other, but rather they must take their case before three Talmidei Chachomim and get their opinion before taking any action.

With regard to the expiration of this cheirem, Rav Shternbuch says that Rabbeinu Gershon only enacted his takanos until the end of the fifth millennium. The prohibitions regarding marriage and divorce were clearly carried forward but we don’t find anywhere that the prohibition of opening mail was extended. To this he reasons that since the marriage takanos prohibited something that was permissible, Rabbeinu Gershon only made a takana for his generation where he saw it was necessary. However opening someone else’s mail is assur l’halacha. Rabbeinu Gershon’s innovation was to add a cheirem because people were lax. Therefore he had no problem enacting it forever. However it is also possible to assume that this cheirem expired and was never reinstated.

Either way, says Rav Shternbuch opening the mail would not violate any issur or cheirem, as long as Talmidei Chachomim approve of your action.

Important Note: We try to convey the Tshuva to the best of our ability. We admit that our understanding may not be accurate. One should learn the tshuva to verify the accuracy of our interpretation. Please also understand that this Tshuva may not be the final word on this topic. One should consult a Rav before drawing any conclusions.

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Daily Reminder – 10th Tammuz, 5769


Daily Reminder – 10th Tammuz, 5769


Zechiras Miriam

Door Number Two Please

When someone tells you Lashon Hara you stand before a crossroad. There are lots of things you should think about. If you let him continue you will have the aveira of Lashon Hara. You will also be oveir Lifnei Iveir by giving him the outlet to be oveir his aveira of speaking. You will also not fulfill your obligation of Hochiach Tochiach of rebuking him from doing an aveira. All you need to do is say “stop” and suddenly you slam shut the gates of Gehinom and open up the road to eternal paradise. The choice is yours. What can he already want to tell you that could be so exciting that it would make this anything other than a no brainer?

“Zachor Eis Asher Asa Hashem L’Miriam BaDerech B’Tzaischem MiMitzrayim”

The Ramban and other Rishonim count, among the Mitzvos Aseh Min HaTorah, the mitzva of remembering and saying with your mouth each day what Hashem did to Miriam when she spoke about her brother Moshe. The Chofetz Chaim in Shaar Tvunah Perek 12 says that being Mikayem this mitzva can save you from the aveira of Lashon Hara. More than just saying the pasuk, says the Chofetz Chaim, one must think about the incident in order for it to have its intended effect.

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From our Sages on the Parshah – Parshah: Chukat-Balak Verses: Numbers 19:1-25:9


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From our Sages on the Parshah
And [Balak] sent to Balaam… “Curse me this people, for he is mightier than me” (Numbers 22:5-6)

The Hebrew phrase, atzum hu mimeni also translates, “he is mightier from me.” For in truth, the might of the people of Israel is Moshiach, who is descendent of Balak (Ruth, the anscestress of King David, was a Moabite princess)


From our Sages on the Parshah
And she crushed Balaam’s foot against the wall (22:27)

This was the very heap of stones which Laban and Jacob had erected as a testament that “I will not pass over this heap to you, and that you will not pass over this heap and this pillar to me, for harm”
(Genesis 31:52). Balaam, who is Laban, was now violating this covenant by crossing the heap to come curse Jacob’s descendents. Therefore the wall was punishing him, as it is written (Deuteronomy 17:7): “The hand of the witnesses should be first in [punishing] him.”

(Midrash Tanchuma)

From: Parshah In Depth

Bringing Heaven Down to Earth – 10th Tammuz, 5769


Bringing Heaven Down to Earth – 10th Tammuz, 5769

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Thought for the Day

The River from Eden

By Rabbi Tzvi Freeman

Daily Dose – Today’s Meditation – The River from Eden

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From the wisdom of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, of righteous memory; words and condensation by Tzvi Freeman. To order Tzvi’s book, “Bringing Heaven Down to Earth, click here.

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This Daily Dose from: Chabad.org

Self-Growth – Keep Smiling – 10th Tammuz, 5769


Self-Growth – Keep Smiling – 10th Tammuz, 5769

Self-Growth - Keep Smiling


No matter the situation thrust upon me, no matter the limits that block me, I can choose to do better than I have done until now. I can compete against the person I was yesterday.

* Based on Chovos HaLevovos, Shaar Yichud HaMaaseh, 5

Have a growth-filled, uplifting day

By: Rabbi Avraham Tzvi Schwartz of “Self-Growth

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