This Week’s Article – Destroyer


This Week's Article


By Rabbi Avraham Tzvi Schwartz

We need at times to be brutal — to shatter, demolish, exterminate — but only within ourselves.

We have negative thought-patterns, attitudes, attributes — we must destroy them. At times, we speak vile words, do ugly things — we have to eliminate this. With cold eyes, we must examine what is rotten and look to remove it, look to replace it with what is positive and empowering.

We must realize that the negative within us destroys us. It keeps us from reaching all types of magical pleasures, achievements and happiness. It is our largest enemy. We must treat it cruelly. We must destroy the darkness, before it destroys us.

Author, Rabbi Avraham Tzvi Schwartz.

Rabbi A.T. Schwartz, will appreciate your donation – with gratitude and humility. Please click here to donate.

Olam Chesed Yibaneh — A world of kindness prospers
(Tehillim 89.3)

All rights reserved (c) Avraham Tzvi Schwartz

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Daily “PiCK-ME-UPs” – 20th Tammuz, 5769


Daily “PiCK-ME-UPs” – 20th Tammuz, 5769

Daily PiCK-ME-UPs the book


The Present Quote

The Perfect Moment

Focus on now being the perfect moment, full of life, joy and energy – and nothing else will bother you.

By: Rabbi Avraham Tzvi Schwartz of “Self-Growth.

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Empower yourself, enjoy life!
Not just another book, but a series of lessons to change our lives, turning darkness to light, misery to joy, shame into dignity; giving us a sense of direction, that we may move through our days with enthusiasm and passion, turning each moment into a jewel, a treasure, and a source of great pleasure and enjoyment. Click here for more.

FREE INSPIRATIONAL POSTER – To download high resolution version, click here.

Please visit Rabbi Avraham Tzvi Schwartz’s blog at: Keep Smiling ~ Self-Wealth

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Sefer Baal Shem Tov – 20th Tammuz, 5769


Sefer Baal Shem Tov

The Baal Shem Tov Times

The Baal Shem Tov’s Teachings on the Torah

‘Therefore say: Behold, I give him My covenant of peace.” (Numbers 25:12)

According to the Zohar and Likutey Torah, Nadav and Avihu were “two halves of a body.”1 Therefore, Pinchas took both their souls, so that they are considered as one. Thus, it is written: “Behold, I give him My covenant of peace,” for when two things are united, it is called peace. Thus, Yesod is called Peace, etc.,2 and “From my flesh, I will behold G-d.”3

Likewise, when there is division among people, the one who can unite them is called “a pursuer of peace.” The reason Nadav and Avihu sinned was because they did not ask each other’s advice [before entering the Holy of Holies]. As it says: “And Nadav and Avihu, the sons of Aaron, each took his censer. . .” (Leviticus 10:1)4 There was no peace between them. But Pinchas rectified this when he was given the covenant of peace, in order to unite the souls of Nadav and Avihu in one body.
Toldos Yaakov Yosef, Acharei, p. 96d

1See Zohar 3:57b; Likutey Torah, parashas Vayikra, by the Arizal. Nadav and Avihu never married, thus the Zohar considers them as only half a person. When Pinchas smote Zimri and Kosbi during their illicit act, the souls of Nadav and Avihu united with his own.
2Yesod is the ninth Sefirah, from Keter down, and serves to unite the upper Sefiros with the tenth Sefirah of Malchus. Thus, it is called “Peace.”
3Job 19:26. Chasidic writings cite this verse often, to support the idea that the physical, emotional and mental constituents of a human being parallel and reflect the workings of the supernal Sefiros, through which G d directs the world. The Sefirah of Yesod corresponds to the male member, which is the organ of union. Yesod also corresponds to the Tzaddik, whose consciousness unites heaven and earth.
4 I.e. each one took it alone, without consulting the other.

Translation and commentary by Rabbi Dr. Eliezer Shore.

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Join the Baal Shem Tov Mailing Lists, click here to Subscribe.

Source: The Baal Shem Tov Foundation

I will greatly appreciate your donations to the Baal Shem Tov Foundation. All of the money they receive is used to operate their websites ( and, produce and distribute the weekly Baal Shem Tov Times, and translate original sources of the teachings of the Baal Shem Tov including, Keser Shem Tov and Sefer Baal Shem Tov. Their future plans include rebuilding the Baal Shem Tov website, promoting the World Wide Mezuzah Campaign and offering a number of tele-classes about the life and teachings of the Baal Shem Tov.

Please click here for your Tax Exempt donation.

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Daily Wisdom Portion of Kabbalah – 20th Tammuz, 5769


Daily Wisdom Portion of Kabbalah – 20th Tammuz, 5769

The Wisdom of Kabbalah

Time to Act

For a long time now my conscience has burdened me with a demand to come out and compose a fundamental composition regarding the essence of Judaism, religion, and the wisdom of Kabbalah, and spread it among the nation, so people will come to know and properly understand these exalted matters in their true meaning.

Previously in Israel, Prior to the development of the printing industry, there were no fallacious books among us relating to the essence of Judaism, as there were almost no writers who could not stand behind their words, for the simple reason that in most cases, an irresponsible person is not famous.

Therefore, if, by chance, one dared to write such a composition, no scribe would copy it, as he would not be paid for his labor, which, for the most part, was quite considerable. Thus, such a composition was doomed from the start to be lost.

In those days, knowledgeable people, too, had no interest in writing such books, since the populace did not need that knowledge. Quite the contrary, they had an interest in hiding it in secret chambers for the reason that “It is the glory of G-d to conceal a thing.” We were commanded to conceal the essence of the Torah and the work from those who did not need it, or were unworthy of it, and to not degrade it by displaying it in shop windows for the lusting eyes of the boasting, because thus the glory of G-d demands.

But ever since the printing of books has become popular, and writers are no longer in need of scribes, the price of books has been reduced. This paved the way for irresponsible writers to publish whatever books they please, for money or for glory. But they do not take their own actions into account and do not examine the consequences of their work.

From that time on, publications of the aforementioned kind have significantly increased, without any learning and reception mouth-to-mouth from a qualified Rav, and even without knowledge of earlier books that dealt with this topic. Such writers fabricate theories of their own empty shells, and relate their words to the most exalted matters, to thus portray the essence of the nation and its fabulous treasure. As fools, they know not how to be scrupulous, nor have a way by which to learn it. They instill faulty views to generations, and in return for their petty lusts they sin and make the nations sin for generations to come.

Recently their stench has soared upward, because they have plunged their nails into the wisdom of the Kabbalah, not minding that this wisdom has been locked and chained behind a thousand doors to this day, that no person may understand the true meaning of even a single word of it, much less the connection between one word and the next. That is because in all the genuine books that were written to this day, there are but clues that barely suffice for a knowledgeable disciple to understand their true meaning, from the mouth of a wise and qualified Kabbalist sage. And there, too, “the arrowsnake make her nest, and lay, and hatch, and brood under her shadow.” These days, such conspirators multiply, who make such delights that disgust those who behold them.

Some of them even go as far as to presume and to assume the place of the leaders of the generation, and they pretend to know the difference between the ancient books and tell which of them is worthy of study and which is not, since it is filled with fallacies, and they arise contempt and wrath. Until today, the work of scrutiny had been limited to one in ten leaders of a generation; and now the ignorant abuse it.

Therefore, the perception of these matters by the public has been greatly corrupted. In addition, there is an atmosphere of frivolity and people think that a glance in one’s leisure is sufficient for the study of such exalted matters. They skim over the ocean of wisdom and the essence of Judaism in a glance, like that angel, and draw conclusions based on their own mood.

These are the reasons that have prompted me to go out of my way and decide that it is time to “do for the Lord” and salvage what can still be salvaged. Thus, I have taken upon myself to reveal some of the true essence, which relates to the above matter and spread it among the nation.

By Rabbi Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag – Baal HaSulam, Time to Act


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Today 20th Tammuz, 5769 – “Little Mitzvos


Today 20th Tammuz, 5769 – “Little Mitzvos

Little Mitzvos Org

You may think, how does one little Mitzvo help . . .

Our times are calling out to us to do Teshuva, but it’s too hard for us to change our lives. Even when we try, we end up reverting back to nothing, everything as was. We MUST show HaShem that we are seeing the signs and that it means something to us.

In this way, when HaShem asks what did we did, we can reply “I took this on…”

You must not consider this “Little Mitzvos” as a replacement for the Shulchan Oruch – you must continue learning Halochos via mainstream Seforim and with Shiurim.


Once a month make a Cheshbon of what you may have lent from anyone.

Source: Little Mitzvos Org

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The Daily Shmiras Ainayim Chizuk – 20th Tammuz, 5769


The Daily Shmiras Ainayim Chizuk – 20th Tammuz, 5769



A website for Jews struggling to maintain their moral purity in today’s world

Why is Sexual purity so important in Judaism? Our sages called Shmiras Habris “Yesod”, meaning “Foundation”. The foundation of a building is “underground” and no one sees it, yet it holds up the entire building! Shmiras Habris is the hidden part of a Jew, it’s the real you. If the foundation of a Jew is weak, his whole spiritual structure is fragile and in grave danger of collapse. At we are finally joining together, for ourselves and for all future generations, to strengthen the foundations of our people!

There is a lot of material out there on the subject of guarding the eyes and the Bris, but sometimes “too much” is overwhelming.
A little bit each day is just right, to be able to read, digest and apply it to our lives.

The booklet “Windows to the Soul” by R’ Zvi Miller of the Salant foundation, is a MAN’S PRACTICAL GUIDE TO MASTERING HIS EYES. (Right click the link and choose “Save Target/Link As” to save the PDF booklet to your computer). To subscribe to eMussar, the daily lessons of the Salant Foundation, send email to

The Zohar compares this world to a churning ocean and the body of a man to a ship in the sea. Therefore, man requires knowledge in order to guide himself on a straight course, avoiding mishap and losing his way. The ocean of life roars fearfully and continuously. The winds of challenge blow and the negative impulse rips about like a tornado with unimaginable force. All of life comprises great and endless tests, which can easily capsize the ship and sink it into the murky, nethermost depths.

Yirat Shamayim and the study of Mussar will prevent the body from sinking into the miry depths of desire and corrupt character traits.
(Rabbi Yitzchak Blazer, Ohr Yisrael)

Today’s Shmiras Ainayim Chizuk


King Solomon was the wisest of men. He knew that the Torah placed a limit on how many wives a king was permitted to have. However, he thought to himself, “The Torah’s restriction is for an average king. Since I am so wise, the Torah’s law does not apply to me.” He increased his number of wives beyond the maximum allowed by the Torah. As a result: “He had 700 wives, princesses, and 300 concubines …when he was old his wives turned his heart away.”

King Solomon, a pure and holy Tzadik, was the son of Dovid HaMelech. He was the Gadol HaDor and the wisest man who ever lived. He had Ruach HaKodesh and composed the holy books of Shir HaShirim, Mishlei, and Kohellet. Despite his unfathomable greatness, he was not immune to being influenced by an aspect of desire. Therefore, how much more so should we, who are far from his level, take every precaution to fulfill these Halachot. Even if we don’t fully understand the relevancy of the laws, we should observe them so that we will be under the protective shadow of the Torah.

TODAY: Defer to the wisdom of the Torah regarding the laws of the eyes and guard the holiness of your soul.

Practical Application

“This answers an important question for me,” says Steve. “Sometimes I am invited to events where the laws of modesty are not observed. However, I felt that it was impolite not to attend. Now I understand I should not compromise on Torah values. There are ways I could express my congratulations while upholding the Halacha. For instance, if it is a wedding, in some situations I might attend the Chupah and then leave before the celebration; or I could give a nice gift and write a note explaining that I was not able to attend.”

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Two Free e-Books, courtesy of GuardUrEyes that will change your life!
Right click on the links below and choose “Save Link/Target As” to download them to your computer. (Print them out to read at your leisure!)

The Guard Your Eyes Handbook.

The Guard Your Eyes Attitude.

The GuardUrEyes E-mail Chizuk Lists

The Yetzer Hara thinks of new ways to win us over every day. What better way to combat him than to have some chizuk and a new insight every day!

List 1.The GuardUrEyes Chizuk List – Breaking Free.
Receive each day antidotes, tips, articles or quotes from the holy texts, therapists and fellow strugglers, to help you break free of sexual addictions, pornography and/or masturbation.

List 2.General Chizuk in Shmiras Ainayim
This list will focus less on the “addiction” aspect and more on general Chizuk in Shmiras Ainayim that anyone can use, addicted or not. This list is less intense and explicit than the first, and is appropriate for everyone.

Please note: We strongly advise anyone who struggles with masturbation or pornography, even if infrequently, to join the first list as well.

Click here to join one (OR BOTH) of the Chizuk lists described below.

The tools on GuardUrEyes network include:

       Two Daily Chizuk List options (hundreds of members!)

       Hundreds of tips; divided into categories; tips from therapists, tips from other sites and from fellow strugglers.

       An active and thriving forum – a powerful feature of group support

       The “Jewish Healing Group“, an anonymous 12-Step group that meets on the phone once a week

       A live hotline, for people to get advice and started on their journey to recovery

       Sign up for a Partner / Sponsor. Download the Questionnaire

       Many stories of recovery, struggles and suffering

       An elaborate FAQ page

       Over 20 filter options, and everything a person could want to know about filters

       Important links

       A section on the 12 steps

       A "Kosher Isle" to help people find entertaining and more productive things to do with their time

       Download here a powerful PDF file, translated from a Hebrew book called "The First Day of the Rest of My Life", to help people break free of sexual addictions

       A Rehab Option in Florida

       Many Therapy Options

       An inspiring Music Page, to chase away the impurity and inspire thoughts of Teshuvah

       A "Wall of Honor" page, to keep track of your sobriety and get group support

How Can You Help?

Source: GuardUrEyes

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Daily Writings on Kabbalah and Torah – 20th Tammuz, 5769


Daily Writings on Kabbalah and Torah – 20th Tammuz, 5769

True Kabbalah org

Everyone has different abilities depending on the tribe they represent. Let us all unify and work together in the battle against the Sitra Acher.


All the miracles that happened to Yisroel during the exodus were in the merit of Avrahom

–   Avrahom was busy trying to rectify the attribute of chesed.
–   This means he went out of his way to do kindness.
–   Part of chesed means you don’t necesarily have to deserve something to get it.
–   Avrahom would go out of his way to do kindness especially to people who did not deserve it.
–   Perfecting chesed involves many other aspects. Avrahom did them all and perfected this trait more than anyone in all existence.
–   When the jews left Egypt they were on low spiritual levels and did not merit all the miracles that happened to them.
–   They had to rely on the merit of their fathers and great people who had earned the right for these miracles to occur.
–   The Exodus
–   Yitzchock. Splitting of sea
–   Yosef. Splitting of Yarden(Jordan)
–   Yackov. Receiving Torah, Falling of the mun
–   Moshe. The well
–   Miriam. Protecting clouds
–   Ahoron.
–   Meaning each one of these people rectified the necessary aspects to enable the event to take place.
–   However there are many ways an event can occur, they did not have to happen in the glorious way they did, there could have been suffering on the way.
–   Since Avrahom rectified chesed which doesn’t differentiate, they get glory even though they were not worthy.


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Teachings of the Sages – 20th Tammuz, 5769


Teachings of the Sages – 20th Tammuz, 5769

Two Tzadiks


R’ Pinchas said: “Through prayer we re-create the angel MeTaT every day anew. Therefore, one must be very careful not to skip a single word from the prayer, and every word must be said slowly and with concentration. And if, Heaven forbid, a person swallows the words and skips, he has created a demon … he has created a kind of angel without hands or feet, and then his body hurts him and he experiences all kinds of suffering, because that crippled angel that he created pursues him. … the letters of the prayer are chambers that are very far from one another, which is why it is so very difficult to pray. Because, really, a person is very far from true prayer. … Therefore, there is no need to look forward to any other experience of vitality than to just say the words slowly, even in a dry way, until eventually he will slowly warm up and feel more enthusiastic. (Therefore, someone who comes in the middle of the prayer has already lost out on so much, because the rest of the minyan started an hour earlier and has already managed to warm up. By the time the group gets to Baruch She’amar, they already can say it with some vitality and enthusiasm, and he has lost out on this)”.*

*Lesson, by Eliezer Berland (C)

By Rebbe Pinchas of Koretz

Source: Two Tzaddiks

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Rabbi Nachman’sSayings & Teachings – 20th Tammuz, 5769


Rabbi Nachman’s – Sayings & Teachings – From The Essential Rabbi Nachman

Azamra org - Torah for Our Time

A treasury of sayings, teachings, parables and stories by the outstanding Chassidic sage, mystic and visionary, Rabbi Nachman of Breslov (1772-1810), whose message of faith, hope, courage, simplicity and joy is essential to each one of us and essential to the whole world.

Translated by Avraham Greenbaum

SERVING G-D – For the sake of the mitzvah

A person should be so honest that when he performs the mitzvot in all their fine points, he does it for G-d’s sake and not merely to impress others. Even if he is completely alone with no- one watching, he should still carry them all out with the same care.

Likutey Moharan I, 251

Rabbi Nachman of Breslov
“It is a great mitzvah to be happy.”

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Click here to Subscribe.

JOIN AZAMRA’S GLOBAL NETWORK, if you would like to join Azamra in spreading Torah spirituality and healthy living in Israel or anywhere else in the world, please register with the HAVERIM Global Network.

SOURCE: - Torah for Our Time

Azamra means “I will sing” (Psalms 146:2)

“And the way to sing the song of joy is by seeking the good in all people, especially in ourselves. Each good point is one more note in the song of life!”

Rabbi Nachman of Breslov


Click here to Donate Online Now

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Avodah – Perek Shira – 20th Tammuz, 5769


Perek Shira – 20th Tammuz, 5769


Perek Shira

Perek Shira: The Wolf’s Heavy Price

The wolf is the shepherd’s worst enemy. He sneaks in under the cover of darkness and swipes some sheep for dinner. If and when a shepherd manages to catch a wolf he will beat him mercilessly taking out on him all his frustrations for all the sheep that have been lost to wolves in the past. Did this wolf necessarily steal all those sheep? Probably not but the shepherd doesn’t really care. To him this is payback for everything.

The Knaf Renanim adds that the reason why the Torah says that a thief who is caught pays double is because it is probably not his first time stealing. Therefore we make him pay back for the “other time” as well.

The lesson we learn from the wolf is that if you steal or cheat you may get away with it a few times. But if and when you do eventually get caught you will pay not only for what you were caught doing now but for all those who stole before you as well as for your own previous crimes. You will be the whipping boy who will pay the price.

The Wolf says, “Al Kol Dvar Pesha” we are punished not only for our own crimes but for all other crimes that our victim suffered from in the past. “Yishaleim Shnayim LiRei’ayhu”, we will pay double because we already got away with it once.

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On this day – Limud yomi – 20th Tammuz, 5769


On this day – Limud yomi – 20th Tammuz, 5769


Courtesy of

Limud yomi

Limud yomi

Daf yomi: Bava Metzia 78
Yerushalmi yomi: Bava Batra 31
Mishna yomit: Ohalot 6:4
Halacha yomit: Orach Chaim 319:14
Tanach yomi: Tehillim Seder 17
Shabbat parshiot: Mattot Masei

From: Kaluach – Hebrew/civil calendars

Free Download: Kaluach3 is the latest version of Kaluach Hebrew/civil calendars, specially designed for 2000/XP/Vista.

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Daily Teachings of the Baal Shem Tov – 20th Tammuz, 5769


Daily Teachings of the Baal Shem Tov – 20th Tammuz, 5769

Baal Shem Tov Foundation

“Day to day, speech flows. ..” (Tehillim 19:3). The Baal Shem Tov rendered this interpretively: Each day boasts to the next about a good deed a Tzaddik performed on it.

(Divrei Shalom, Ki Sisa, cited in Sefer Baal Shem Tov, Emor 2)

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Visit the new
BST Publishing Store
for the most inclusive selection of books on the
Baal Shem Tov
Mezuzah Campaign


Source: The Baal Shem Tov Foundation

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Daily Torah Quote – 20th Tammuz, 5769


Daily Torah Quote – 20th Tammuz, 5769

Breslev Israel

Torah scholars bring about an abundance of peace in the world.

Talmud Berachot 64a


Subscribe to Breslev Israel’s Mailing Lists, please click here.


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Tikun Habris – 20th Tammuz, 5769


Tikun Habris – 20th Tammuz, 5769

True Kabbalah org

Tikun Habris is the most important topic to discuss in this low generation, and no one is dealing with it.

If you are Jewish then you are part of the Holy nation. Have mercy on your holy soul and stop blemishing it with the sin of wasting seed. Take heed of what the kabbalah says and stop committing this sin of wasting seed.

The Sin of Wasting Seed

There are opinions that spilling seed is dioraysah (biblical transgression).

(SvT Siredi Aish)

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A Wonderous Segulah to rectify oneself and to rectify Nefesh Ruach and Neshama. Culled from the Holy ARIZALs works to be said every day after prayers.

Tikun Mem Ches from the Tikunei Zohar has the Segulah to bring that which is precious and holy out of what has fallen into spiritual darkness and to rectify the sins related to the Bris Kodesh.

Whomever says it will be worthy of many wonderous things relating to body and soul.

Click here to download “A Wonderous Segulah“.

Free E-Book “You Shall Be Holy“, click here to download.


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