Todays eMussar Lesson 17th Av 5769


Today 17th Av, 5769 – eMussar Lesson –
The Brilliant Light of HaShem

Todays eMussar Lesson

eMussar – The Wisdom of Personal Growth
A daily inspirational, concise idea, with a suggested action.


Every day since the time of creation, the sun has risen each morning shining its life-giving rays of warmth and light upon our earth. This continuous gift of light that greets us each day with all of its invaluable benefits is a clear revelation of HaShem and His abundant kindness.

Our Sages composed a moving prayer that expresses gratitude to HaShem for the wonders of daylight: “He has brought forth the sun from its place.” That is, HaShem, may He be blessed, brings us the sunlight. There is no other force besides HaShem, alone, that assists in the illumination of the sun. It is His gift of pure kindness and compassion.

The prayer continues: “He illuminates the entire world and its inhabitants, which He created in the attribute of Mercy.” Meaning, the sun is not the source of illumination. Rather, HaShem, Himself, is the source of illumination, i.e., “He illuminates the entire world.”

The Zohar explains this concept by likening the sun to a mirror that reflects light. So too, the sun does not give off its own light. Rather, it reflects light. What light does it reflect? The light of HaShem Who illuminates His light upon the sun!

Therefore, the sun is not the source of illumination; rather HaShem illuminates the sun with His brilliant and holy light, “He illuminates the entire world in His glory.”

May HaShem open our hearts to fully appreciate His great kindness and compassion of illuminating His holy light upon us every day of our lives.
[Based on Michtav M’Eliyahu of Rav Eliyahu Dessler]

TODAY: Look at the sunlight and rejoice in knowing that HaShem is shining His light upon you.

By Rabbi Zvi Miller.

New Blog Post: Maintaing Mussar Mode

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Daily PiCK ME UPs 17th Av 5769


Daily “PiCK-ME-UPs” – 17th Av, 5769

Daily PiCK-ME-UPs the book


Focus Quote

Let Go – Take Hold

Let go of resentment. Take hold of affection. Let go of indifference. Take hold of enthusiasm. Let go of sadness. Take hold of joy. Do it now!

By: Rabbi Avraham Tzvi Schwartz of “Self-Growth.

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Empower yourself, enjoy life!
Not just another book, but a series of lessons to change our lives, turning darkness to light, misery to joy, shame into dignity; giving us a sense of direction, that we may move through our days with enthusiasm and passion, turning each moment into a jewel, a treasure, and a source of great pleasure and enjoyment. Click here for more.

FREE INSPIRATIONAL POSTER – To download high resolution version, click here.

Please visit Rabbi Avraham Tzvi Schwartz’s blog at: Keep Smiling ~ Self-Wealth

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The HEART OF PRAYER 17th Av 5769


THE HEART OF PRAYER – 17th Av, 5769

The Baal Shem Tov Times

The Baal Shem Tov’s Teachings on Prayer

4.b4 Prayer can change a judgment from bad to good.

Nachmanides1 asks about the nature of prayer: How can it improve a Divine decree?2 Can G-d’s Will be changed?3 If a person were was praying for himself, we could understand how His Will can be changed. For just as he changed his own behavior from bad to good, so G-d’s decree can be changed from bad to good. But this principle should not apply to prayers offered on someone else’s behalf.

The Baal Shem Tov explained, in the name of his Heavenly teacher,3 that prayer sweetens the judgment of Malchut, which is called Din,4 in its root in Binah. When you pray in this way for a friend, you bind them to their Supernal root, and they become a different person.

To explain this further, it is known that the Divine decree is a drop of seed in the womb of Malchut, and that it is composed of letters. As the Talmud says: “Betzalel knew how to combine the letters that went into the creation of heaven and earth.”5 Now, the King of Kings surely does not carry out His decrees Himself. He appoints an emissary, who makes use of the word-combinations that convey the decree. However, the emissary can rearrange the first letters of the words so that they imply something else.6

Now, the Tzaddik is the emissary of the Shechinah,7 who knows how to sweeten the judgments and bind the drop that is in Malchut to Binah, thus transforming it into something else.
Katones Passim, p. 47b

1Ramban, Rabbi Moshe ben Nahman (1194ce.- 1270ce)
2See also the commentary “HaKosev” on Ein Yaakov, Berachos, chapter 5.
3Seeing that G-d’s Will is part of His Essence, since He is unchangeable, so His Will is unchangeable.
4The prophet, Achiya HaShiloni.
6 Berachos 55a.
7The Baal Shem Tov here specifies recombining the first letters of words to change the meaning of the decree. However, in other lessons, he speaks about different types of letter combinations that can alter the decree that descends from above. The Divine Presence; the Sefirah of Malchut of Knesset Israel, the collectivity collective of the Jewish souls. Literally, the “Matron,” a phrase from the Zohar for the Shechinah.

Translation and Commentary by Rabbi Dr. Eliezer Shore

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Source: The Baal Shem Tov Foundation

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Shmiras Haloshon Yomi Day 77 The Seven Rules of Toeles


Shmiras Haloshon Yomi – Learning the Laws of Proper Speech – 17 Av, 5769

Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation

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Shmiras Haloshon Yomi

17 Av, 5769

Day 77 – The Seven Rules of Toeles

SEFER CHOFETZ CHAIM – Laws of Loshon Hora 10:1-2

      Earlier in this volume, we referred to 7 conditions which must be fulfilled before one is permitted to relate loshon hora l’toeles, for a constructive purpose. These are

      1.  One must be absolutely certain that the information is accurate. Either one had to have witnessed the incident himself, or he investigated the report and found it to be accurate. If one has second-hand negative information which he wishes to relate for a constructive purpose, he must make it clear that his words are based on hearsay

      2.  One must think the matter through and be sure that a wrong has actually been committed. Sometimes, what one may think is a misdeed may in fact be permitted by halachah. One must be certain that his information and his interpretation of the information are correct before the information can be related.

      3.  One must first approach the wrongdoer and attempt to persuade him to rectify his behavior. For example: A storekeeper was seen cheating a customer. The first step would be to speak to the storekeeper and try to persuade him to return the money. Only after this fails should one consider informing the customer that he was cheated

      4.  One is not permitted to exaggerate in any way. This can be especially difficult in a situation where one is relating information regarding an emotional issue.

      5.  One’s intention must be solely to help the person who is being victimized. If one harbors any ill will toward the subject of the report, then he is not permitted to relate it for a constructive reason. (Of course, one should make every effort to rid oneself of such ill will.) For example, for a storekeeper to tell a potential customer about his competitor’s wrongdoing would have the likely effect of drawing this customer into his own store. In that case, the discussion would be forbidden. In a case where one has constructive negative information to relate but feels that he has a personal interest in the matter, it would be advisable for him to consult a rav (rabbi).

      6.  If one can effect the same result without speaking loshon hora, then he must use that option. If one wants to warn a friend not to shop in a certain store because of the proprietor’s dishonesty, and there is a way to convince him to shop elsewhere without speaking badly of the proprietor, then that option must be used.

      7.  One is not allowed to convey the information if this will result in the subject suffering a greater loss than the halachah allows.

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Daily Wisdom Portion of Kabbalah 17th Av 5769


Daily Wisdom Portion of Kabbalah – 17th Av, 5769

The Wisdom of Kabbalah

Quotes of prominent Kabbalists

Cleansing self-love

“It is only possible to love in the same measure that you make within yourself a place cleansed of self-love.”

Rav Michael Laitman, PhD – A Thousand Questions about Kabbalah


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Today 17th Av 5769 Little Mitzvos


Today 17th Av, 5769 – “Little Mitzvos

Little Mitzvos Org

You may think, how does one little Mitzvo help . . .

Our times are calling out to us to do Teshuva, but it’s too hard for us to change our lives. Even when we try, we end up reverting back to nothing, everything as was. We MUST show HaShem that we are seeing the signs and that it means something to us.

In this way, when HaShem asks what did we did, we can reply “I took this on…”

You must not consider this “Little Mitzvos” as a replacement for the Shulchan Oruch – you must continue learning Halochos via mainstream Seforim and with Shiurim.

Kedushas Shabbos

Save a certain food for Shabbos.

Source: Little Mitzvos Org

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Halacha Tshuvos 17th Av 5769


Halacha – Tshuvos – 17th Av, 5769


Rebbi Akiva Eiger – A Bracha On Your Mezuza When You Come Back From Vacation?

The mitzva of Mezuza is a Chovas HaDor, an obligation upon the person dwelling in the home. If so, says Rebbi Akiva Eiger (Tshuva 9), it seems obvious that if you move into a house with a Mezuza already in place you should make a bracha since you now have a new mitzva to place a mezuza on your new dwelling.

Furthermore says Rebbi Akiva Eiger, if you leave your house for a few days or even to go to work, during that time you are not fulfilling the mitzva, therefore theoretically you should need to make a bracha when you come back home again. He compares this to a Succah where when you leave and then return you make a new bracha of Leisheiv BaSuccah. SImilarly he compares to it taking off your talis that requires a bracha if you put it on again later.

After writing the tshuva, Rebbi Akiva Eiger saw the Birkei Yosef from the Chida who says that if a person rents a house that already has a mezuza, he doesn’t make a bracha. The reason he says is because Chazal only made the bracha for a person affixing it to the door. According to this says Rebbi Akiva Eiger even in the case where he left his home and returned he would not make a bracha.

Regarding the Halacha L’Maaseh, Rebbi Akiva Eiger remains B’Tzarich Iyun.

Important Note: We try to convey the Tshuva to the best of our ability. We admit that our understanding may not be accurate. One should learn the tshuva to verify the accuracy of our interpretation. Please also understand that this Tshuva may not be the final word on this topic. One should consult a Rav before drawing any conclusions.

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Daily Reminder 17th Av 5769


Daily Reminder – 17th Av, 5769


Zechiras Miriam

Stop Loshon Hora
Stop Loshon Hora

Table Talk

The old saying goes, “Intelligent people discuss ideas, average people discuss things, simple people discuss other people.”

“Zachor Eis Asher Asa Hashem L’Miriam BaDerech B’Tzaischem MiMitzrayim”

The Ramban and other Rishonim count, among the Mitzvos Aseh Min HaTorah, the mitzva of remembering and saying with your mouth each day what Hashem did to Miriam when she spoke about her brother Moshe. The Chofetz Chaim in Shaar Tvunah Perek 12 says that being Mikayem this mitzva can save you from the aveira of Lashon Hara. More than just saying the pasuk, says the Chofetz Chaim, one must think about the incident in order for it to have its intended effect.

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The Daily Shmiras Ainayim Chizuk 17th Av 5769


The Daily Shmiras Ainayim Chizuk – 17th Av, 5769



A website for Jews struggling to maintain their moral purity in today’s world

Why is Sexual purity so important in Judaism? Our sages called Shmiras Habris “Yesod”, meaning “Foundation”. The foundation of a building is “underground” and no one sees it, yet it holds up the entire building! Shmiras Habris is the hidden part of a Jew, it’s the real you. If the foundation of a Jew is weak, his whole spiritual structure is fragile and in grave danger of collapse. At we are finally joining together, for ourselves and for all future generations, to strengthen the foundations of our people!

There is a lot of material out there on the subject of guarding the eyes and the Bris, but sometimes “too much” is overwhelming.
A little bit each day is just right, to be able to read, digest and apply it to our lives.

The booklet “Windows to the Soul” by R’ Zvi Miller of the Salant foundation, is a MAN’S PRACTICAL GUIDE TO MASTERING HIS EYES. (Right click the link and choose “Save Target/Link As” to save the PDF booklet to your computer). To subscribe to eMussar, the daily lessons of the Salant Foundation, send email to

The Zohar compares this world to a churning ocean and the body of a man to a ship in the sea. Therefore, man requires knowledge in order to guide himself on a straight course, avoiding mishap and losing his way. The ocean of life roars fearfully and continuously. The winds of challenge blow and the negative impulse rips about like a tornado with unimaginable force. All of life comprises great and endless tests, which can easily capsize the ship and sink it into the murky, nethermost depths.

Yirat Shamayim and the study of Mussar will prevent the body from sinking into the miry depths of desire and corrupt character traits.
(Rabbi Yitzchak Blazer, Ohr Yisrael)

Today’s Shmiras Ainayim Chizuk



(Tips 9 – 12))


We are at the center of the wheel. What we do affects the rest of the world. If we control our eyes in our city, Jews in another city will be inspired to do Mitzvot.


Chazal teach us, “Who is strong? The person who defeats his yetzer hora.”
Control your eyes and become a mighty warrior.

11.   FOCUS

The Sifte Chaim teaches that the cause of sin is inattentiveness. Focus on mastering your eyes and you will succeed.


Avoid words that will cause improper thoughts.

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Two Free e-Books, courtesy of GuardUrEyes that will change your life!
Right click on the links below and choose “Save Link/Target As” to download them to your computer. (Print them out to read at your leisure!)

The Guard Your Eyes Handbook.

The Guard Your Eyes Attitude.

The GuardUrEyes E-mail Chizuk Lists

The Yetzer Hara thinks of new ways to win us over every day. What better way to combat him than to have some chizuk and a new insight every day!

List 1.The GuardUrEyes Chizuk List – Breaking Free.
Receive each day antidotes, tips, articles or quotes from the holy texts, therapists and fellow strugglers, to help you break free of sexual addictions, pornography and/or masturbation.

List 2.General Chizuk in Shmiras Ainayim
This list will focus less on the “addiction” aspect and more on general Chizuk in Shmiras Ainayim that anyone can use, addicted or not. This list is less intense and explicit than the first, and is appropriate for everyone.

Please note: We strongly advise anyone who struggles with masturbation or pornography, even if infrequently, to join the first list as well.

Click here to join one (OR BOTH) of the Chizuk lists described below.

The tools on GuardUrEyes network include:

       Two Daily Chizuk List options (hundreds of members!)

       Hundreds of tips; divided into categories; tips from therapists, tips from other sites and from fellow strugglers.

       An active and thriving forum – a powerful feature of group support

       The “Jewish Healing Group“, an anonymous 12-Step group that meets on the phone once a week

       A live hotline, for people to get advice and started on their journey to recovery

       Sign up for a Partner / Sponsor. Download the Questionnaire

       Many stories of recovery, struggles and suffering

       An elaborate FAQ page

       Over 20 filter options, and everything a person could want to know about filters

       Important links

       A section on the 12 steps

       A "Kosher Isle" to help people find entertaining and more productive things to do with their time

       Download here a powerful PDF file, translated from a Hebrew book called "The First Day of the Rest of My Life", to help people break free of sexual addictions

       A Rehab Option in Florida

       Many Therapy Options

       An inspiring Music Page, to chase away the impurity and inspire thoughts of Teshuvah

       A "Wall of Honor" page, to keep track of your sobriety and get group support

How Can You Help?

Source: GuardUrEyes

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Daily Writings on Kabbalah and Torah 17th Av 5769


Daily Writings on Kabbalah and Torah – 17th Av, 5769

True Kabbalah org

Everyone has different abilities depending on the tribe they represent. Let us all unify and work together in the battle against the Sitra Acher.


Regarding the splitting point of the generations

–   Know, every generation has one main tzadik through which all the energy is channeled.
–   When this tzadik dies the generation is over.
–   Generations vary in length.
–   Another tzadik now gets the position. He is already alive he just didn’t have the position.
–   Since he is an a lower level everything goes down. Since it is all filtered through him.
–   Every one goes down. Meaning it’s a gradual change, the top of the lower level is similar to the bottom of the higher level.
–   Some one born after the change is really affected. Some one born before at least had the start in a higher state.
–   This is why the mishnah in Avos says Moshe to Yehoshua….


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Teachings of the Sages 17th Av 5769


Teachings of the Sages – 17th Av, 5769

Two Tzadiks


The Messiah, according to legend, is to be born on the 9th of Ab, the day when the Holy Temple was destroyed. R’ Pinchas explained that a seed sown in the earth must fall apart so that the grain can sprout from it. It must dwell in deep secrecy, until its strength is resurrected. “To doff a shape, to don a shape—this is done in the instant of pure nothingness. In the husk of forgetting, the power of memory grows. That is the power of redemption. On the day of destruction, power lies at the bottom of the depths, and grows.” That is why the Messiah’s birth is on the date of the destruction of the Temple. [Kaschak comments: “The Messiah’s birth at the moment of greatest pain and loss teaches us that life is cyclic, that birth and death are linked and that every ending is followed by a new beginning. It also follows the paradoxical Kabbalistic notion that the greatest light is that which emerges out of the greatest darkness”].*

*Tales of the Hasidim: Early Masters, by Martin Buber, p. 123 (B), cited in The Invisible Alliance: Psyche and Spirit in Feminist Therapy, edited by Ellyn Kaschak, p. 70 (B)

By Rebbe Pinchas of Koretz

Source: Two Tzaddiks

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Rabbi Nachman Sayings and Teachings 17th Av 5769


Rabbi Nachman’s – Sayings & Teachings – From The Essential Rabbi Nachman

Azamra org - Torah for Our Time

A treasury of sayings, teachings, parables and stories by the outstanding Chassidic sage, mystic and visionary, Rabbi Nachman of Breslov (1772-1810), whose message of faith, hope, courage, simplicity and joy is essential to each one of us and essential to the whole world.

Translated by Rabbi Avraham Greenbaum

The print edition is now available.

Order now

For shipping in Israel, click here


You must pray for everything. Even if your garment is torn and you need another, you should pray to G-d to give you something to wear.

Do this for everything: make it a habit to pray for all your needs, great or small. Your main prayers should be for fundamentals: that G-d should help you to serve Him and draw closer. Even so, you should also pray for minor things.

G-d may give you food and clothing and everything else you need in life even without your asking for them. However, you are then like an animal. G-d provides all living creatures with their food. But if you do not draw your needs through prayer, your livelihood is like that of an animal. A man must draw his vitality and all his needs from G-d only through prayer.

Is it beneath your dignity to pray even for something minor? You must pray for everything, even the most minor things.

Sichot Haran #233

Rabbi Nachman of Breslov
“It is a great mitzvah to be happy.”

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SOURCE: - Torah for Our Time

Azamra means “I will sing” (Psalms 146:2)

“And the way to sing the song of joy is by seeking the good in all people, especially in ourselves. Each good point is one more note in the song of life!”

Rabbi Nachman of Breslov


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From our Sages on the Parshah


Chabad org

From our Sages on the Parshah
Parshah: Eikev Verses: Deuteronomy 7:12-11:25

Man does not live by bread alone, but by the utterance of G-d’s mouth does man live (Deuteronomy 8:3)

This explains a most puzzling fact of life: how is it that man, the highest form of life, derives vitality and sustenance from the lower tiers of creation — the animal, vegetable and mineral?
But the true source of nourishment is the “Divine utterance” in every creation, and, as the Kabbalists teach, the “lowlier” the creation, the loftier the divine energy it contains, like a collapsing wall, in which the highest stones fall the farthest.

(R. Schneur Zalman of Liadi)

As a man chastens his son, so G-d chastens you (8:5)

A father punishing his child inflicts greater suffering on himself than anything experienced by the child. So it is with G-d: His pain is greater than our pain.

(R. Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev)

From Parshah In Depth

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Avodah Perek Shira 17th Av 5769


Perek Shira – 17th Av, 5769


Perek Shira

Perek Shira: Shine Like The Moon

The moon rules the night. But does it really? The moon has no light of its own, it merely reflects the light of the sun. Some times the moon is full and shines bright. Sometimes it is so thin you can barely see it. Sometimes it is hidden and not visible at all. It doesn’t even come and go at a fixed time. Sometimes it shines a whole night and sometimes it sets very quickly right behind the sun.

The moon has nothing of its own, it is only a tributary of the sun, reflecting its light on the side of the earth that cannot see the hiding sun. The moon represents Klal Yisroel and each individual Yid. The sun represents Hashem. In this world Hashem is in hiding. We don’t have our own light, our task is to reflect Hashem’s hidden light on the world and make it a brighter place.

As much as we’d love to shine bright all the time, this is not in our control. Sometimes we are afforded the opportunity and resources to do great things and make a tremendous Kiddush Hashem. We also go through tougher periods where we try to stay afloat ourselves and have no opportunity to shine Hashem’s light elsewhere. This all depends on Hashem’s will and we must accept it happily.

The Moon sings (Tehilim 104:19), “Asa Yarei’ach LiMoadim” the moon is made to shine at unpredictable intervals. “Shemesh Yada Mivo’o”, only the sun knows when the moon will shine. The moon doesn’t ask, it takes advantage of every opportunity afforded it without question. Either way it sings a happy tune, eagerly awaiting the sun’s bright light so that it can light up the darkness of the night.

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On this day Limud yomi for 17th Av 5769


On this day – Limud yomi for 17th Av, 5769


Courtesy of

Limud yomi

Limud yomi

Daf yomi: Bava Metzia 104
Yerushalmi yomi: Shavuot 22
Mishna yomit: Ohalot 12:5
Halacha yomit: Orach Chaim 325:5
Tanach yomi: Ruth Seder 2
Shabbat parshiot: Eikev

From: Kaluach – Hebrew/civil calendars

Free Download: Kaluach3 is the latest version of Kaluach Hebrew/civil calendars, specially designed for 2000/XP/Vista.

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Daily Teachings of the Baal Shem Tov 17th Av 5769


Daily Teachings of the Baal Shem Tov – 17th Av, 5769

Baal Shem Tov Foundation

Deveykus means that when one utters a word [of prayer] he draws it out greatly-for due to his cleaving, he does not want to part from the word. Therefore, he draws out its pronunciation.

(Tzava’as HaRivash 70)

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Daily Torah Quote 177th Av 5769


Daily Torah Quote – 17th Av, 5769

Breslev Israel

Who is rich? One who is satisfied with his lot. As is stated (Tehillim 128:2): “If you eat of toil of your hands, fortunate are you, and good is to you”; “fortunate are you” in this world, “and good is to you” in the World to Come.

Pirkei Avot 4:1


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Bringing Heaven Down to Earth 17th Av 5769


Bringing Heaven Down to Earth, 17th Av, 5769

Chabad org

Being Paradox

By Rabbi Tzvi Freeman

Daily Dose – Today’s Meditation – Being Paradox

Hassid bar

From the wisdom of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, of righteous memory; words and condensation by Tzvi Freeman. To order Tzvi’s book, “Bringing Heaven Down to Earth, click here.

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Tikun Habris 17th Av 5769


Tikun Habris – 17th Av, 5769

True Kabbalah org

Tikun Habris is the most important topic to discuss in this low generation, and no one is dealing with it.

If you are Jewish then you are part of the Holy nation. Have mercy on your holy soul and stop blemishing it with the sin of wasting seed. Take heed of what the kabbalah says and stop committing this sin of wasting seed.

Rebbe Nachman of Breslev on Shmiras Habris

These are only the basic references about Tikun Hbris. The torahs have a lot more about this topic. We strongly suggest that everyone learn Likutay Maharan.

Freedom is dependent on Shmiras Hbris.

[Likutay 1 Torah 31]

Hassid bar

A Wonderous Segulah to rectify oneself and to rectify Nefesh Ruach and Neshama. Culled from the Holy ARIZALs works to be said every day after prayers.

Tikun Mem Ches from the Tikunei Zohar has the Segulah to bring that which is precious and holy out of what has fallen into spiritual darkness and to rectify the sins related to the Bris Kodesh.

Whomever says it will be worthy of many wonderous things relating to body and soul.

Click here to download “A Wonderous Segulah“.

Free E-Book “You Shall Be Holy“, click here to download.


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SelfGrowth Keep Smiling 17th Av 5769


Self-Growth – Keep Smiling – 17th Av, 5769

Self-Growth - Keep Smiling

To make our world

We can focus our efforts to make our world all-okay. Or, we can turn to the Creator to make our world all-okay. Or, we can try, somehow, to combine the two together.

Have a growth-filled, uplifting day

By: Rabbi Avraham Tzvi Schwartz of “Self-Growth

Hassid bar

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“Heavenly Ways” gives us a Torah-based point of view 176 topics, affirmations to accelerate our journey along healthful, heavenly ways. To see excerpt, click here.

Hearts on Fire expands on selected verses from Tehillim to motivate us to new growth. In hard-cover for sale, or otherwise as a free ebook. Click here for an excerpt.

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A Handful of Light” expands on the very short, powerful “Letter of the Ramban” with classic mussar and outlook ideas. (287 pages) To see an excerpt, click here.

Empower yourself, enjoy life!
Not just another book, but a series of lessons to change our lives, turning darkness to light, misery to joy, shame into dignity; giving us a sense of direction, that we may move through our days with enthusiasm and passion, turning each moment into a jewel, a treasure, and a source of great pleasure and enjoyment. Click here for more.

“Wealth – A Torah Approach” contains over 700 teachings from the Torah, Prophets and our earliest sages on this continually perplexing subject. Click here for an excerpt.

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