Todays eMussar Lesson 14th Av 5769


Todays eMussar Lesson

eMussar – The Wisdom of Personal Growth
A daily inspirational, concise idea, with a suggested action.

Today 14th Av, 5769 – eMussar Lesson –
Connecting With HaShem


One of the most important spiritual concepts of the Torah is Devakis, the state of connecting one’s thought to HaShem, i.e., being consciously aware of HaShem. Devakis is achieved through actively contemplating on HaShem and faithfully remembering Him as per the verse (Devarim 11:22): “Attach to HaShem.”

Our Patriarchs were masters of Devakis, i.e., they were consciously aware of HaShem in all situations of life. Even when they were engaged in a physical activity they never lost the perception that they were in the Presence of HaShem. In fact, their greatest fear was the notion of being disconnected from HaShem, even for a second! The foundation of their Divine service was making every effort to be always Devuk to Hashem. In this light, Abraham prayed to HaShem, “Please do not leave Your servant.”

Yet, how is possible forma human being to be always Devuk to HaShem, regardless of situation or location?

King David said (Tehillim 104:24): “How great are you Your works HaShem, You have made all of them in Wisdom.” Accordingly, every entity contains the Highest Wisdom. In addition, the prophet Isaiah states, “Everything that is called by My Name, and that I have formed for My glory.” Therefore, the solitary purpose of each creation is to reflect the Honor of HaShem.

As a result, the entire universe is a great “class room,” i.e., a place to discover the wisdom and glory of HaShem. The Patriarchs focused on discovering – and taking pleasure – in the wisdom, goodness, and kindness of HaShem that is manifest in all of the creations.

May we follow the holy path of our Patriarchs, setting our focus on perceiving the wonders of HaShem in all of life that surrounds us. Then we will be Devuk to HaShem – continuously attached to his loving-kindness, holiness, and splendor.
(Based on Da’as Torah of Rav Yerucham HaLevi)

TODAY: Close your eyes and attach to HaShem’s kindness for thirty seconds.

By Rabbi Zvi Miller.

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Daily PiCK ME UPs 14th Av 5769


Daily “PiCK-ME-UPs” – 14th Av, 5769

Daily PiCK-ME-UPs the book


Intention Quote

Beyond the Superficial

We see a dog barking at his own reflection, and we laugh. But we too, like this dog, often fail to see beyond the superficial – the externalities of life. We need somehow, to train and align ourselves to the true reason of Creation.

By: Rabbi Avraham Tzvi Schwartz of “Self-Growth.

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Empower yourself, enjoy life!
Not just another book, but a series of lessons to change our lives, turning darkness to light, misery to joy, shame into dignity; giving us a sense of direction, that we may move through our days with enthusiasm and passion, turning each moment into a jewel, a treasure, and a source of great pleasure and enjoyment. Click here for more.

FREE INSPIRATIONAL POSTER – To download high resolution version, click here.

Please visit Rabbi Avraham Tzvi Schwartz’s blog at: Keep Smiling ~ Self-Wealth

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Shmiras Haloshon Yomi Day 74 The Perils of Praise


Shmiras Haloshon Yomi – Learning the Laws of Proper Speech – 14 Av, 5769

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Shmiras Haloshon Yomi

14 Av, 5769

Day 74 – The Perils of Praise

SEFER CHOFETZ CHAIM – Laws of Loshon Hora 9:1-2

      In this segment, the Chofetz Chaim begins addressing the subject of avak loshon hora (lit. the dust of loshon hora), statements which are not actual loshon hora but which are nonetheless forbidden.

      The mere concept of avak loshon hora underscores the severity of loshon hora. This sin is so dangerous that an entire chapter of Sefer Chofetz Chaim is devoted to statements which are forbidden because they hint at loshon hora or because they can lead to loshon hora.

      A particle of dust is so miniscule that one has to look very carefully to see it at all. It is often the same with avak loshon hora. One may be dealing with words which seem quite innocuous. In the Chofetz Chaim’s first example, someone comments about a certain person, “It’s amazing how far he’s come.” On the surface, it appears that the speaker has not spoken derogatorily about his subject, nor caused him any harm. But if we probe a bit further, we can expand the statement to mean, “It’s amazing how far he’s come, considering the fact that he has an unsavory past,” or “… considering the fact that he’s not that bright.” In all probability, the speaker’s intention was entirely complimentary. Nevertheless, people may lose respect for the person, no matter what his current status, if they find out that he had a troubled past or if they perceive him as lacking in intelligence.

      Perhaps the most famous case of avak loshon hora is when the statement is pure praise of an individual. On the surface, this would seem to pose no problem. What could be wrong with praising someone? To understand the problem we need to examine the dynamics of a conversation. In conversation, each person builds on what the other person has just said. The halachah identifies certain conversations as being likely to lead to loshon hora and declares them forbidden.

      In certain situations, praising an individual can lead listeners to focus on the flaws of the person being praised. One is not allowed to praise someone in front of his enemies. The temptation is overwhelming to rebut praise of one’s enemy with criticism.

      We should never praise someone excessively, even to his friends. When the spotlight is directed onto someone and his praises are sung, it is quite possible that someone will say, “Yes, he has many fine qualities — except for the fact that…”

      We have been discussing praising someone in front of one person or a few people. One should not praise someone in public, says the Chofetz Chaim. This is because the law of averages dictates that there will be at least one person who either is jealous of the person or has something against him—in which case the praise is sure to set off a negative reaction. The only situation where public praise is allowed is when the subject is renowned as a learned, righteous person. In such a case it is reasonable to assume that even if he has critics, they will be reluctant to speak out publicly against him, because by doing so they would lose their own credibility.

      Yet in Be’er Mayim Chaim the Chofetz Chaim says that we should avoid sitting among people who are discussing a renowned Torah personality, because there are some people who simply cannot resist offering criticism no matter who the subject is. As we discussed, negative talk about such an individual is a most serious sin, as is listening to and accepting it.

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The HEART OF PRAYER 14th Av 5769


THE HEART OF PRAYER – 14th Av, 5769

The Baal Shem Tov Times

The Baal Shem Tov’s Teachings on Prayer

Section 3.5

Learning a passage of Zohar before each of the daily prayers.

The Baal Shem Tov instructed his disciples to learn a passage of Zohar before each of the daily prayers.
Likutey Torah, hadracha 7

Translation and Commentary by Rabbi Dr. Eliezer Shore

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Source: The Baal Shem Tov Foundation

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Daily Wisdom Portion of Kabbalah 14th Av 5769


Daily Wisdom Portion of Kabbalah – 14th Av, 5769

The Wisdom of Kabbalah

Quotes of prominent Kabbalists

You cannot force love

“One can bend oneself and enslave oneself and follow anything. But with love, no enslavement and subjugation in the world will help.”

Baal HaSulam, “Introduction to Talmud Eser Sefirot


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Todays Daf Yomi



Today’s Daf Yomy – 14th Av, 5769

Today's Revach L'Daf Yomi

Summary of the Daf

1.  If someone exchanged a cow for a donkey or he sold a maidservant and it gave birth and the seller claims that it gave birth before the sale while the buyer claims it gave birth after the sale it is divided between them. read more[1]

2.  If someone sells his field or his servant and he owns one big one and one small one and the buyer claims he bought the big one and the seller says he doesn’t know the buyer receives the big one.

3.  If the seller says he sold the small one and the buyer says he doesn’t know he receives the small one.

4.  If the buyer says he bought the big one and the seller says he sold the small one the seller swears he sold the small one. read more[2]

5.  If they both say they don’t know which one was sold was sold they split the difference between them.

6.  Rabah Bar Huna says that Sumchus holds that when there is a Safek it is divided between the parties even if they both are certain, while Rava holds that it is only it is divided between them if both claims are not certain.

7.  Sumchus agrees in a case that a person is Modeh b’Miktzas and he is Chayav a Shvuah Min ha’Torah that he must swear and we don’t divide it between them.

8.  Although there is no Chiyuv Shvuah on Karka if a person is Chayav to swear on Mitaltlin he must swear on Karka as well with a Gilgul Shvuah.

9.  It is a Machlokes Tana’im whether a servant has the Din of Karka and there is no Chiyuv Shvuah or if servants are like Mitaltlin and there is a Chiyuv Shvuah.

10.  The Tana Kama holds if someone claims that he is owed wheat and the defendant admits that he owes barley he is Patur from a Shvuas Modeh b’Miktzas, while R. Gamli’el argues.

11.  If someone is Modeh b’Miktzas and he is prepared to give what he admits he owed he is not Chayav a Shvuas Modeh b’Miktzas.

12.  If someone steals an animal or a servant and they get old he must pay the amount they were worth at the time of the Gezeilah, while R. Me’ir hold regarding a stolen servant he may give it back as it is. read more[3]

13.  If a cow is exchanged for a donkey or someone sells a maidservant and it gives birth and one of them claims that it was born in his possession and the other one is silent the one who makes the claim is Zocheh.

14.  If they both say they don’t know they divide the offspring between them.

15.  If they both say it was born in their possession the seller swears that it was born in his Reshus according to R. Me’ir because every time there is a Chiyuv Shvuah the person who is defending the claim is the one who swears.

16.  The Chachamim hold that regarding the maidservant there is no Chiyuv Shvuah because a person doesn’t swear on servants or on Karka.

17.  If someone claims that his friend owes him ten vines loaded with grapes and his fired says he owes him only five R. Me’ir holds he must swear a Shvuas Modeh b’Miktzas, while the Chachamim hold anything that is attached to the Karka is the same as Karka and there is no Chiyuv Shvuah.

18.  R. Yosi Bar Chanina explains that the Machlokes between R. Me’ir and the Rabanan is regarding grapes that are ready to be harvested; R. Me’ir holds it is considered that they are already harvested while the Chachamim argue.

19.  If someone sells his olive trees for the purpose of cutting off the branches for firewood and they produced olives if he told him to cut off the branches immediately the olives belong to the owner of the Karka.

20.  If he told him to cut down the branches whenever he chooses the olives belong to the buyer, but if he sold it to him Stam if the olives produce only a Revi’is of oil per Se’ah the owner of the land is not Makpid and it belongs to the buyer but if the olives produce more than a Revi’is of oil per Se’ah the owner of the land is Makpid and it belongs to him. read more[4]

21.  If an olive tree is flooded into his friend’s field and it grows olives and the owner of the tree says that it was my tree that produced the olives while the owner of the land says it was my land that produced the olives they split the olives between them.

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[1]This is in accordance with Sumchus who holds that when there is a Safek it is divided between them, while the Rabanan hold that we say Ha’Motzi mi’Chavero Aluv ha’Rayah and if it gives birth in the Rehsus of one of them he may keep it.

[2]Even though he is not Modeh b’Miktzas because he is not admitting to any of the claim but rather he is admitting to something else the Mishnah is refeeing to a case where he claimes a big servant with clothing for the servant or a big field with bundles of grain of a small field, since with regards to the bundles and the clothing there is a Chiyuv Shvuah and he is admitting to a portion of what was claimed he also must swear on the field and the servants with a Gilgul Shvuah.

[3]The Tana Kama holds that when they get old it is a Shinuy and the Gazlan is Koneh the animal or servant and he must pay the amount it was worth at the time it was stolen, however R. Me’ir holds that a servant shares the same Din as Karka and therefore the Gazlan is not Koneh it with a Shinuy because the Gezeilah do not apply to Karka and he may return it as it is.

[4]It must produce a Revi’is of oil besides the expenses of producing the oil.

Source: RevachL’Daf

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Words of Wisdom


Words of Wisdom
“When Hashem is happy with the ways of a person even his enemies will make peace with him” (Mishlei 15:7) This includes mosquitoes and flies.
Medrash Rabba Parshas Bireishis
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Today 14th Av 5769 Little Mitzvos


Today 14th Av, 5769 – “Little Mitzvos

Little Mitzvos Org

You may think, how does one little Mitzvo help . . .

Our times are calling out to us to do Teshuva, but it’s too hard for us to change our lives. Even when we try, we end up reverting back to nothing, everything as was. We MUST show HaShem that we are seeing the signs and that it means something to us.

In this way, when HaShem asks what did we did, we can reply “I took this on…”

You must not consider this “Little Mitzvos” as a replacement for the Shulchan Oruch – you must continue learning Halochos via mainstream Seforim and with Shiurim.


Be particular to drink enough for a Borei Nefoshos.

Source: Little Mitzvos Org

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Halacha Tshuvos 14th Av 5769


Halacha – Tshuvos – 14th Av, 5769


Rav Menashe Klein: Going To A Yeshiva When A Parent Objects

Rav Menashe Klein, the Ungvar Rov (Mishneh Halachos 6:158) was asked by a young man if he was permitted to go to learn in a Yeshiva against the wishes of his father. The Rov refused to answer his question because the questioner did not write to him the reason for his father’s objection.

In principal, says Rav Klein, this is an old question dating back to the Trumas HaDeshen and brought in Shulchan Aruch (YD 240:25). The halacha is that if a talmid wants to go learn by a Rebbi, even far away from home, and his parents are nervous about the physical dangers, he may go against their wishes.

However there are certain objections the father can raise that are valid and then the son is not permitted to go learn there. The gemara in Kesubos (71a) says that if a husband forbids his wife from going to simchos or the visit aveilim, she can demand a divorce and receive her full kesuba. However if he claims that there are people there that behave immodestly, if there is strong basis for his claim his objection is justifiable.

Similarly, if the father feels that the Rebbi lacks Yiras Shamayim or that the other talmidim may be a bad influence, then his objection stands, but only if there is validity to his claim.

Important Note: We try to convey the Tshuva to the best of our ability. We admit that our understanding may not be accurate. One should learn the tshuva to verify the accuracy of our interpretation. Please also understand that this Tshuva may not be the final word on this topic. One should consult a Rav before drawing any conclusions.

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Daily Reminder 14th Av 5769


Daily Reminder – 14th Av, 5769


Zechiras Miriam

Stop Loshon Hora
Stop Loshon Hora

If You Have Something Intelligent To Say…

In the Mishna in Pirkei Avos (1:17) Rav Shimon be Gamliel says that his whole life he grew up among Chachomim and he never found anything better for his body than silence.

The Yeina Shel Torah brings from the Ohel Yaakov that one would think that silence is good for fools to keep their nonsense to themselves, but not for wise people. Rav Shimon ben Gamliel tells us that even the wise are well served by silence.

“Zachor Eis Asher Asa Hashem L’Miriam BaDerech B’Tzaischem MiMitzrayim”

The Ramban and other Rishonim count, among the Mitzvos Aseh Min HaTorah, the mitzva of remembering and saying with your mouth each day what Hashem did to Miriam when she spoke about her brother Moshe. The Chofetz Chaim in Shaar Tvunah Perek 12 says that being Mikayem this mitzva can save you from the aveira of Lashon Hara. More than just saying the pasuk, says the Chofetz Chaim, one must think about the incident in order for it to have its intended effect.

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The Daily Shmiras Ainayim Chizuk 14th Av 5769


The Daily Shmiras Ainayim Chizuk – 14th Av, 5769



A website for Jews struggling to maintain their moral purity in today’s world

Why is Sexual purity so important in Judaism? Our sages called Shmiras Habris “Yesod”, meaning “Foundation”. The foundation of a building is “underground” and no one sees it, yet it holds up the entire building! Shmiras Habris is the hidden part of a Jew, it’s the real you. If the foundation of a Jew is weak, his whole spiritual structure is fragile and in grave danger of collapse. At we are finally joining together, for ourselves and for all future generations, to strengthen the foundations of our people!

There is a lot of material out there on the subject of guarding the eyes and the Bris, but sometimes “too much” is overwhelming.
A little bit each day is just right, to be able to read, digest and apply it to our lives.

The booklet “Windows to the Soul” by R’ Zvi Miller of the Salant foundation, is a MAN’S PRACTICAL GUIDE TO MASTERING HIS EYES. (Right click the link and choose “Save Target/Link As” to save the PDF booklet to your computer). To subscribe to eMussar, the daily lessons of the Salant Foundation, send email to

The Zohar compares this world to a churning ocean and the body of a man to a ship in the sea. Therefore, man requires knowledge in order to guide himself on a straight course, avoiding mishap and losing his way. The ocean of life roars fearfully and continuously. The winds of challenge blow and the negative impulse rips about like a tornado with unimaginable force. All of life comprises great and endless tests, which can easily capsize the ship and sink it into the murky, nethermost depths.

Yirat Shamayim and the study of Mussar will prevent the body from sinking into the miry depths of desire and corrupt character traits.
(Rabbi Yitzchak Blazer, Ohr Yisrael)

Today’s Shmiras Ainayim Chizuk


A Quick 30-Step Review of

Windows of the Soul

(Steps 21-30)

21.   Make a conscious effort to keep your gaze below eye-level when you are in a public place.

22.   Begin practicing your new exercises and know you are performing an important Mitzvah.

23.   Draw holiness to yourself by controlling your eyes from seeing improper sights.

24.   You may not have control over your workplace but you can control the spiritual atmosphere of your home. Make your home fitting to receive the Shechinah.

25.   Be exceedingly careful while using the internet and bring merit for your children to live Torah lives.

26.   Whether you are an employer or an employee, consider the advantages of modest dress at the workplace.

27.   Guard your eyes in the workplace and receive a special blessing from Hashem.

28.   Show this guidebook to a friend and offer to learn it with him.

29.   Throw off the burden of your aveirot and start over. Hashem gives everyone another chance!

30.   Each word of study, each second of contemplation and each effort we make to control our eyes will uplift and sanctify us.

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Two Free e-Books, courtesy of GuardUrEyes that will change your life!
Right click on the links below and choose “Save Link/Target As” to download them to your computer. (Print them out to read at your leisure!)

The Guard Your Eyes Handbook.

The Guard Your Eyes Attitude.

The GuardUrEyes E-mail Chizuk Lists

The Yetzer Hara thinks of new ways to win us over every day. What better way to combat him than to have some chizuk and a new insight every day!

List 1.The GuardUrEyes Chizuk List – Breaking Free.
Receive each day antidotes, tips, articles or quotes from the holy texts, therapists and fellow strugglers, to help you break free of sexual addictions, pornography and/or masturbation.

List 2.General Chizuk in Shmiras Ainayim
This list will focus less on the “addiction” aspect and more on general Chizuk in Shmiras Ainayim that anyone can use, addicted or not. This list is less intense and explicit than the first, and is appropriate for everyone.

Please note: We strongly advise anyone who struggles with masturbation or pornography, even if infrequently, to join the first list as well.

Click here to join one (OR BOTH) of the Chizuk lists described below.

The tools on GuardUrEyes network include:

       Two Daily Chizuk List options (hundreds of members!)

       Hundreds of tips; divided into categories; tips from therapists, tips from other sites and from fellow strugglers.

       An active and thriving forum – a powerful feature of group support

       The “Jewish Healing Group“, an anonymous 12-Step group that meets on the phone once a week

       A live hotline, for people to get advice and started on their journey to recovery

       Sign up for a Partner / Sponsor. Download the Questionnaire

       Many stories of recovery, struggles and suffering

       An elaborate FAQ page

       Over 20 filter options, and everything a person could want to know about filters

       Important links

       A section on the 12 steps

       A "Kosher Isle" to help people find entertaining and more productive things to do with their time

       Download here a powerful PDF file, translated from a Hebrew book called "The First Day of the Rest of My Life", to help people break free of sexual addictions

       A Rehab Option in Florida

       Many Therapy Options

       An inspiring Music Page, to chase away the impurity and inspire thoughts of Teshuvah

       A "Wall of Honor" page, to keep track of your sobriety and get group support

How Can You Help?

Source: GuardUrEyes

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Daily Writings on Kabbalah and Torah 14th Av 5769


Daily Writings on Kabbalah and Torah – 14th Av, 5769

True Kabbalah org

Everyone has different abilities depending on the tribe they represent. Let us all unify and work together in the battle against the Sitra Acher.


Regarding “Our G-D and the G-D of our fathers”.

–   Our G-D denotes the fact that you experienced G-D yourself.
–   By meditating one can have spiritual experiences. By doing this and analyzing the world logically one gets a personal picture of G-D.
–   If one does this he will be very motivated in serving G-D. Since it is something he associates with and recognizes.
–   The problem is one ends up making up his own warped version of the religion. Many times he ends up very far from doing the right things and actually defiles himself.
–   The G-D of our fathers denotes tradition.
–   Tradition consists of revelations by G-D through prophets or at Har Sinai.
–   Unlike innovations of the human brain, tradition is divine truth.
–   However when one has tradition alone his religion is like that of a programmed person, he merely goes through the motions never feeling or understanding them.
–   One has to have both. This is the true way. Otherwise he is not going to get anywhere.
–   Nowadays all religious groups have only one or the other.
–   People should have both, they should meditate to receive divine awareness. At the same time they have to be very careful about staying on the side of holiness by keeping Halacha.


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Teachings of the Sages 14th Av 5769


Teachings of the Sages – 14th Av, 5769

Two Tzadiks


R’ Pinchas said: “The world is like a book that can be read in either direction. There is the power of creation, making something out of nothing; and there is the power of destruction, making nothing out of something”*. Pinson adds that, reading forward, one can observe the physical creation in the sequence of progressing from ayin [nothingness] into yesh [existence]; but reading backward, one realizes “how all of creation emerges from the divine ayin”.**

*Living Each Day, by Abraham J. Twerski, p. 134. Reproduced with permission of Artscroll?Mesorah Publications, Ltd (B)

**Meditation and Judaism: Exploring the Jewish Meditative Paths, by DovBer Pinson, p. 235 (B)

By Rebbe Pinchas of Koretz

Source: Two Tzaddiks

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Rabbi Nachman Sayings and Teachings 14th Av 5769


Rabbi Nachman’s – Sayings & Teachings – From The Essential Rabbi Nachman

Azamra org - Torah for Our Time

A treasury of sayings, teachings, parables and stories by the outstanding Chassidic sage, mystic and visionary, Rabbi Nachman of Breslov (1772-1810), whose message of faith, hope, courage, simplicity and joy is essential to each one of us and essential to the whole world.

Translated by Rabbi Avraham Greenbaum


Prayer originally began with each person pouring out his heart before G-d in his own words and language. This is explained by Rambam (Maimonides) in his Code of Torah Law (Prayer 1:4) , where he states that personal prayer was the main form of prayer prior to the institution of the set prayers by the Men of the Great Assembly.

According to the law, even today the original form of prayer remains primary. Besides following the order of prayers established by the Men of the Great Assembly, it is extremely beneficial to make a regular practice of offering your own prayers and requests from the depths of your heart in the language you understand best, asking G-d to help you serve Him truly. This is the essence of prayer, and this is the way all the Tzaddikim attained their high levels.

Likutey Moharan II, 99

Rabbi Nachman of Breslov
“It is a great mitzvah to be happy.”

Hassid bar

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SOURCE: - Torah for Our Time

Azamra means “I will sing” (Psalms 146:2)

“And the way to sing the song of joy is by seeking the good in all people, especially in ourselves. Each good point is one more note in the song of life!”

Rabbi Nachman of Breslov


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Avodah Perek Shira 14th Av 5769


Perek Shira – 14th Av, 5769


Perek Shira

Perek Shira: The Day The Sun Will Stand Still

In times long gone by, people would worship the sun. This may seem ludicrous to us but it is more a reflection on our lack of understanding than of their lack of intelligence. The Rambam says that the heavenly bodies all recognize their creator and are not inanimate objects. They possess a soul and spirit and have great powers. We as Yehudim know however that these powers all come from Hashem and they cannot do anything against the will of their Creator. Rabbeinu Bachye says that one should not be proud that he doesn’t worship the sun until he comprehends the full capability of the sun. Only then, if you manage to understand that this powerful sun is only a servant of Hashem, may you boast that you are a believer in the true Hashem.

We are put on this world to be able to see beyond the mask of this world. Whether in the olden days when it was the sun, or now the technology and current events, we must see beyond the thin veil trying to conceal our Creator and true Master of our fate, whether it regards health, wealth, or happiness. It all comes from the One above. Not from a smiling or angry sun, not from a bullish or bearish market, and not from wonderful or disappointing people around us. If you can see beyond all that, then no doubt that Rabbeinu Bachye will testify that you are a true Eved Hashem.

The day will come when Hashem removes his mask and reveals himself as the King of all Kings, in his true glory. All the pretenders who were given free reign to fool us for so long will stand there totally powerless as the King ascends to His throne in plain sight of the entire universe and all of creation.

At Birchas HaChama we peer through the cloudiness of our minds and see the mighty sun for what it is. We celebrate the creation of the Hashem’s servant the sun, as it returns to the place where it was originally hung by Hashem 5769 years ago for the purpose of concealing the great light of Hashem.

The sun itself yearns for the day the that its second hand light will stop being a source of error by humanity and a tremendous Chillul Hashem. Every day the sun sings, “Shemesh Yarei’ach Amad Zevula L’Or Chitzecha Yihaleichu”, the sun and moon stand still in their habitation at the light of Your arrows as they go, at the shining of Your glittering spear (Chavakuk 3:11). The sun longs for the day when its light will be dimmed and the world will bask in the glow of the light of Hashem!

I am the sun, the mighty king of the sky
The most powerful man, can’t look me straight in the eye
People think I am the source of all light but I wonder why
I am simply a humble servant of my master on high

To conceal His brilliant light, Hashem made me His mask
To see through this ruse, is your life’s ultimate task
I yearn for the day when people will not question or ask
Together in Hashem’s light, you and I will both bask

Hassid bar

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On this day Limud yomi for 14th Av 5769


On this day – Limud yomi for 14th Av, 5769


Courtesy of

Limud yomi

Limud yomi

Daf yomi: Bava Metzia 101
Yerushalmi yomi: Shavuot 19
Mishna yomit: Ohalot 11:8
Halacha yomit: Orach Chaim 324:11
Tanach yomi: Shir Hashirim Seder 1
Shabbat parshiot: Eikev

From: Kaluach – Hebrew/civil calendars

Free Download: Kaluach3 is the latest version of Kaluach Hebrew/civil calendars, specially designed for 2000/XP/Vista.

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Daily Teachings of the Baal Shem Tov 14th Av 5769


Daily Teachings of the Baal Shem Tov – 14th Av, 5769

Baal Shem Tov Foundation

The Baal Shem Tov counted the first night of the omer in the synagogue after the evening prayer service, not after the second seder meal. [However, the Maggid of Mezeritch did so after the seder.]

(Kedushas Aharon-Komama; Beis Rizhin)

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Source: The Baal Shem Tov Foundation

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Daily Torah Quote 14th Av 5769


Daily Torah Quote – 14th Av, 5769

Breslev Israel

Everything has an appointed season, and there is a time for every matter under the heaven.

Kohelet 3:1-8


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Bringing Heaven Down to Earth Heretical Meditations 14th Av 5769


Bringing Heaven Down to Earth – Heretical Meditations 14th Av, 5769

Chabad org


By Rabbi Tzvi Freeman

Daily Dose – Today’s Meditation – Heresy

Hassid bar

From the wisdom of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, of righteous memory; words and condensation by Tzvi Freeman. To order Tzvi’s book, “Bringing Heaven Down to Earth, click here.

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Tikun Habris 14th Av 5769


Tikun Habris – 14th Av, 5769

True Kabbalah org

Tikun Habris is the most important topic to discuss in this low generation, and no one is dealing with it.

If you are Jewish then you are part of the Holy nation. Have mercy on your holy soul and stop blemishing it with the sin of wasting seed. Take heed of what the kabbalah says and stop committing this sin of wasting seed.

Rebbe Nachman of Breslev on Shmiras Habris

These are only the basic references about Tikun Hbris. The torahs have a lot more about this topic. We strongly suggest that everyone learn Likutay Maharan.

When earning money comes only through hard tedious work, it is only because he did not fully rectify the Bris. “One who throws bread crumbs on the floor is chased by poverty, certainly this happens to one who threw down crumbs of his brain.”

[Likutay 1 Torah 29]

Hassid bar

A Wonderous Segulah to rectify oneself and to rectify Nefesh Ruach and Neshama. Culled from the Holy ARIZALs works to be said every day after prayers.

Tikun Mem Ches from the Tikunei Zohar has the Segulah to bring that which is precious and holy out of what has fallen into spiritual darkness and to rectify the sins related to the Bris Kodesh.

Whomever says it will be worthy of many wonderous things relating to body and soul.

Click here to download “A Wonderous Segulah“.

Free E-Book “You Shall Be Holy“, click here to download.


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