Halacha Tshuvos 15th Av 5769


Halacha – Tshuvos – 15th Av, 5769


Rav Moshe Feinstein: Choosing A Frum Doctor?

If a person has a choice of two doctors, one of them is Shomer Mitzvos but is not a specialist for the particular procedure needed and the other doctor is a specialist however he is a Kofer, which one is preferable? The Igros Moshe (YD 4:8) says there is no question that the latter is preferable unless he is actively involved in seducing people away from keeping the Torah and Mitzvos. Otherwise since we have an obligation to seek medical help when needed according to the Rambam and most Rishonim, included in that obligation is to seek out the best doctor available whether he is a Jew or a non-Jew.

However adds Rav Moshe, since it is always possible that any doctor may err regardless of his expertise, we must pray to Hashem the true healer that the doctor will not blunder and his care will bring a cure.

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Halacha Tshuvos 14th Av 5769


Halacha – Tshuvos – 14th Av, 5769


Rav Menashe Klein: Going To A Yeshiva When A Parent Objects

Rav Menashe Klein, the Ungvar Rov (Mishneh Halachos 6:158) was asked by a young man if he was permitted to go to learn in a Yeshiva against the wishes of his father. The Rov refused to answer his question because the questioner did not write to him the reason for his father’s objection.

In principal, says Rav Klein, this is an old question dating back to the Trumas HaDeshen and brought in Shulchan Aruch (YD 240:25). The halacha is that if a talmid wants to go learn by a Rebbi, even far away from home, and his parents are nervous about the physical dangers, he may go against their wishes.

However there are certain objections the father can raise that are valid and then the son is not permitted to go learn there. The gemara in Kesubos (71a) says that if a husband forbids his wife from going to simchos or the visit aveilim, she can demand a divorce and receive her full kesuba. However if he claims that there are people there that behave immodestly, if there is strong basis for his claim his objection is justifiable.

Similarly, if the father feels that the Rebbi lacks Yiras Shamayim or that the other talmidim may be a bad influence, then his objection stands, but only if there is validity to his claim.

Important Note: We try to convey the Tshuva to the best of our ability. We admit that our understanding may not be accurate. One should learn the tshuva to verify the accuracy of our interpretation. Please also understand that this Tshuva may not be the final word on this topic. One should consult a Rav before drawing any conclusions.

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