Avodah – Perek Shirah, 30th Tishrei, 5771


Perek Shira

Perek Shirah: Rav Chaim Kanievsky – The Desert Is Hashem’s Showcase

The desert is hot, dry, and lifeless. Yet it takes up around one third of the Earth’s land surface. Why did Hashem make a world with so much “dead space”? Rav Chaim Kanievsky says that Hashem made the desert because from here we can understand that in the future Hashem will make the desert bloom. Obviously if Hashem made it, it will not stay barren forever.

The Radak says that Eretz Yisroel, Yerushalayim, and the Bais HaMikdash in their destruction are like the desert. They one time all bloomed, as the rain or Shefa from Hashem poured down on the world through this wonderful place. As the rain from Shamayim nourished our gashmiyos and ruchniyos, we grew to become big strong trees reaching the Shamayim with our avodah.

The desert says, “Yisusum Midbar V’tzia V’Sagel Arava V’Sifrach K’Chavatzeles”, the wilderness and the parched land shall be glad, and the desert shall rejoice and blossom as the rose (Yeshaya 35:1). Desert plants can survive through the harsh desert climate, but they do not grow very tall. The day will yet come when the Bais HaMikdash will once again bring the rains down on our dried out neshamos, which have managed to survive all these years on a few drops of rain. When that happens, Am Yisroel will once again stand tall, covering the land and reaching the heavens. We will be Hashem’s showcase.

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Daily Reminder, 30th Tishrei, 5771


Zechiras Miriam

Stop Loshon Hora
Stop Loshon Hora

The Problem Is Not The Tongue!

The Medrash Tanchuma says that Hashem screams at those who speak Lashon Hara, “Mi Yakum Li Im Mirei’im”, Who will rise up for me against the evil doers? (Tehilim 94:16).

We see from the Medrash that Hashem, while of course He is concerned with the evil speech, still He is more consumed by the evil of the person who speaks Lashon Hara. Lashon Hara comes from the moral turpitude within the person speaking. This is what Hashem addresses, and this is what we must work on cleansing from deep within ourselves. (B’Yad HaLashon pg. 143)

“Zachor Eis Asher Asa Hashem L’Miriam BaDerech B’Tzaischem MiMitzrayim”

The Ramban and other Rishonim count, among the Mitzvos Aseh Min HaTorah, the mitzva of remembering and saying with your mouth each day what Hashem did to Miriam when she spoke about her brother Moshe. The Chofetz Chaim in Shaar Tvunah Perek 12 says that being Mikayem this mitzva can save you from the aveira of Lashon Hara. More than just saying the pasuk, says the Chofetz Chaim, one must think about the incident in order for it to have its intended effect.

Listen to our Shemiras HaLashon Yomi in our audio section. Two halachos a day according to the Luach. www.revach.net/audioarchives.php

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Avodah – Perek Shirah, 29th Tishrei, 5771


Perek Shira

Perek Shirah: The House Goose – The Only Living Eye Witness

The house goose sings “Hodu L’ashem Kiru Bishmo Hodi’u Ba’amim Alilosov”, thank Hashem, call upon his name, make known his deeds among the people (Tehilim 105:1). Why the house goose? Why are they calling to all the nations.

Rav Sasson Chazan in his Sefer HaShira HaZos explains as follows. In Tehilim (117) it says, “Halelu Es Hashem Kol Goyim…” the goyim will praise Hashem for the kindness. The gemara in Pesachim (118b) as explained according to the meforshim, say that only the goyim who have plotted against us whose plots were constantly foiled by Hashem, know the amazing kindness that Hashem has done with us. We ourselves have no idea because these devious plans never came to fruition.

A house duck hangs around the house seeing the things that we do not. For example, a burglar may be stalking a Yid’s house in middle of the night, when suddenly the Yid wakes up to take a drink. The burglar is scared off and the only eyewitness is the house goose, taking this all in from the outside.

It is impossible for us to realize all the good Hashem does for us because much of it takes place behind our back. However the house goose is watching. Listen to it praise Hashem and follow suit, because in its song it is telling your story.

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Daily Reminder, 29th Tishrei, 5771


Zechiras Miriam

Stop Loshon Hora
Stop Loshon Hora

The Chofetz Chaim’s Lists & Conditions

All throughout Sefer Shmiras HaLashon Hilchos Lashon Hara the Chofetz Chaim gives different lists. If you look at those lists, they are almost all of the same nature. Sometimes it is permissible to speak Lashon Hara and even obligatory. Even then it is not so simple and you must fulfill various requirements before undertaking this dangerous task. If you are going to speak Lashon Hara make sure you are familiar with all these requirements and have these lists handy at all times so that you don’t make any fatal mistakes. Good luck!

“Zachor Eis Asher Asa Hashem L’Miriam BaDerech B’Tzaischem MiMitzrayim”

The Ramban and other Rishonim count, among the Mitzvos Aseh Min HaTorah, the mitzva of remembering and saying with your mouth each day what Hashem did to Miriam when she spoke about her brother Moshe. The Chofetz Chaim in Shaar Tvunah Perek 12 says that being Mikayem this mitzva can save you from the aveira of Lashon Hara. More than just saying the pasuk, says the Chofetz Chaim, one must think about the incident in order for it to have its intended effect.

Listen to our Shemiras HaLashon Yomi in our audio section. Two halachos a day according to the Luach. www.revach.net/audioarchives.php

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Avodah – Perek Shirah, 28th Tishrei, 5771


Perek Shira

Perek Shirah: Swim With The Fish, Listen Carefully For Directions

The Siach Yitzchok says that the fish are more fortunate that other creatures. They live in the water, a place where tumah, impurity has no power. That is why we find that any time Hashem speaks to a Navi outside the holy confines of Eretz Yisroel, like to Yechezkel and Daniel, it is always by the water. The fish sing “Kol Hashem Al HaMayim”, the voice of Hashem is on the water. They sing of their good fortune to live in the holy waters where the voice of Hashem still resonates.

Maybe we can add that water represents Torah. Torah, the gemara tells us does not become tamei, just like water. The world is a confusing place with all sorts of voices calling out at you from different directions. What to do, who to listen to? Dive into the torah drink it with thirst and swim its vast oceans. In this pure environment that can be recreated anywhere in the world, you too can tune out the static and noise echoing from all directions, and hear the voice of Hashem.

The wealthy ruler of the Volozhin district would come to speak to Rav Chaim Volozhin to ask his advice. It is said that this non-jew would tell Rav Chaim all his problems and all his dilemmas. All the while Rav Chaim would sway over his gemara until he finished speaking. Then Rav Chaim would look up and give his answer. We may never reach the level of Rav Chaim Volozhin but if it is peace of mind, clarity, and direction that you are looking for, you too can find it in the sea of Torah.

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Daily Reminder, 28th Tishrei, 5771


Zechiras Miriam

Stop Loshon Hora
Stop Loshon Hora

How To Improve Your Acoustics Without Voice Lessons

The Mishna Brura is a Sefer that stands in its own league. It is a sefer on Halacha that has merited in a relatively very short time to be accepted by all of Klal Yisroel without exception. Moreover, his words are treated like a Rishon, like Rashi or the Rambam where every word is pored over and analyzed.

Rav Yitzchok Kaminetzky says that this is a reward Midah Kineged Midah, for the tzaddik who woke up the world and reminded them that each and every word that comes out of our mouth packs incredible power, both for good and bad. When our words become more important to us, then they will become more important to Hashem as well and be held up for distinction by our peers and even our own family. Wouldn’t that be nice?

“Zachor Eis Asher Asa Hashem L’Miriam BaDerech B’Tzaischem MiMitzrayim”

The Ramban and other Rishonim count, among the Mitzvos Aseh Min HaTorah, the mitzva of remembering and saying with your mouth each day what Hashem did to Miriam when she spoke about her brother Moshe. The Chofetz Chaim in Shaar Tvunah Perek 12 says that being Mikayem this mitzva can save you from the aveira of Lashon Hara. More than just saying the pasuk, says the Chofetz Chaim, one must think about the incident in order for it to have its intended effect.

Listen to our Shemiras HaLashon Yomi in our audio section. Two halachos a day according to the Luach. www.revach.net/audioarchives.php

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Avodah – Perek Shirah, 27th Tishrei, 5771


Perek Shira

Perek Shirah: The Day The Sun Will Stand Still

In times long gone by, people would worship the sun. This may seem ludicrous to us but it is more a reflection on our lack of understanding than of their lack of intelligence. The Rambam says that the heavenly bodies all recognize their creator and are not inanimate objects. They possess a soul and spirit and have great powers. We as Yehudim know however that these powers all come from Hashem and they cannot do anything against the will of their Creator. Rabbeinu Bachye says that one should not be proud that he doesn’t worship the sun until he comprehends the full capability of the sun. Only then, if you manage to understand that this powerful sun is only a servant of Hashem, may you boast that you are a believer in the true Hashem.

We are put on this world to be able to see beyond the mask of this world. Whether in the olden days when it was the sun, or now the technology and current events, we must see beyond the thin veil trying to conceal our Creator and true Master of our fate, whether it regards health, wealth, or happiness. It all comes from the One above. Not from a smiling or angry sun, not from a bullish or bearish market, and not from wonderful or disappointing people around us. If you can see beyond all that, then no doubt that Rabbeinu Bachye will testify that you are a true Eved Hashem.

The day will come when Hashem removes his mask and reveals himself as the King of all Kings, in his true glory. All the pretenders who were given free reign to fool us for so long will stand there totally powerless as the King ascends to His throne in plain sight of the entire universe and all of creation.

At Birchas HaChama we peer through the cloudiness of our minds and see the mighty sun for what it is. We celebrate the creation of the Hashem’s servant the sun, as it returns to the place where it was originally hung by Hashem 5769 years ago for the purpose of concealing the great light of Hashem.

The sun itself yearns for the day the that its second hand light will stop being a source of error by humanity and a tremendous Chillul Hashem. Every day the sun sings, “Shemesh Yarei’ach Amad Zevula L’Or Chitzecha Yihaleichu”, the sun and moon stand still in their habitation at the light of Your arrows as they go, at the shining of Your glittering spear (Chavakuk 3:11). The sun longs for the day when its light will be dimmed and the world will bask in the glow of the light of Hashem!

I am the sun, the mighty king of the sky
The most powerful man, can’t look me straight in the eye
People think I am the source of all light but I wonder why
I am simply a humble servant of my master on high

To conceal His brilliant light, Hashem made me His mask
To see through this ruse, is your life’s ultimate task
I yearn for the day when people will not question or ask
Together in Hashem’s light, you and I will both bask

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Daily Reminder, 27th Tishrei, 5771


Zechiras Miriam

Stop Loshon Hora
Stop Loshon Hora

Not Too Quiet, Not Too Loud, And Nothing In The Middle

What happens if you tell someone Lashon Hara and swears him to secrecy? The Torah says (Devarim 27:24) you are cursed, “Arur Makeh Rei’aihu B’Seser” – cursed is he who smites his friend, secretly. So much for low key.

What about if you say it in front of him, is that better? True, the curse does not apply, however in that case aside from the fact that you’ve told Lashon Hara, you are also treading on arrogance and audacity. You are also creating friction among people. Lastly, you may also lose your Olam Haba if you make him turn white of embarrassment.

Half quietly, half in front of him? I doubt it. There is no way around this, give it up!

“Zachor Eis Asher Asa Hashem L’Miriam BaDerech B’Tzaischem MiMitzrayim”

The Ramban and other Rishonim count, among the Mitzvos Aseh Min HaTorah, the mitzva of remembering and saying with your mouth each day what Hashem did to Miriam when she spoke about her brother Moshe. The Chofetz Chaim in Shaar Tvunah Perek 12 says that being Mikayem this mitzva can save you from the aveira of Lashon Hara. More than just saying the pasuk, says the Chofetz Chaim, one must think about the incident in order for it to have its intended effect.

Listen to our Shemiras HaLashon Yomi in our audio section. Two halachos a day according to the Luach. www.revach.net/audioarchives.php

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Avodah – Perek Shirah, 26th Tishrei, 5771


Perek Shira

Perek Shirah: The Mule – If I Were Hashem I Would…

A wise man once proposed marriage to a beautiful woman telling her “with your good looks and my brains we will have the most incredible kids.” Her blunt response was “what happens if the kids have your looks and my brains?” Hashem made the world with an enormous array of creatures. Every creature he created no matter how destructive has benefits that outweigh the damage.

Man in his narrow view of things sees a donkey and horse and says “wow if we can get the benefit of the strengths of both these animals we can create the perfect animal”. The results speak for themselves. The mule cannot produce any offspring and is considered to be a most destructive animal. The gemara says (Chulin 7b) nobody kicked by a mule will survive. The lesson of the mule is that it is better to let Hashem run the world although we may have some very seemingly good ideas.

The Mule Sings “Yoducha Hashem Kul Malchei Aretz Ki Shamru Imrei Picha”. After seeing man’s handiwork compared to Hashem’s all the kings of the world will admit that it is worthwhile to let Hashem be the big boss!

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Daily Reminder, 26th Tishrei, 5771


Zechiras Miriam

Stop Loshon Hora
Stop Loshon Hora

The Epitome Of “Cool”

Some of us are obsessed with being “cool”. It is the ultimate title conferred on someone in their lifetime. More often than not we do all the wrong things to try to earn that title. Here’s something that you can do that will make you one of the coolest people on the planet.

There has always been a mystique attributed to secrecy and privacy. This is a trait of some really cool people. Think about how cool you would be if no one would ever know what you thought about another person. How cool would it be for people to always guess what you thought about last night’s speech, chasuna, etc., and never really know because you never gave away your opinion in words or even by facial expressions.

I think you’d get lots of votes for the coolest person around, and more importantly, Hashem’s as well. What’s really great is that although titles don’t go with you to the grave, after 120 you’d continue to be “cool”. That’s important because it can get really hot up there!

“Zachor Eis Asher Asa Hashem L’Miriam BaDerech B’Tzaischem MiMitzrayim”

The Ramban and other Rishonim count, among the Mitzvos Aseh Min HaTorah, the mitzva of remembering and saying with your mouth each day what Hashem did to Miriam when she spoke about her brother Moshe. The Chofetz Chaim in Shaar Tvunah Perek 12 says that being Mikayem this mitzva can save you from the aveira of Lashon Hara. More than just saying the pasuk, says the Chofetz Chaim, one must think about the incident in order for it to have its intended effect.

Listen to our Shemiras HaLashon Yomi in our audio section. Two halachos a day according to the Luach. www.revach.net/audioarchives.php

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Avodah – Perek Shirah, 25th Tishrei, 5771


Perek Shira

Perek Shirah: The Rivers Sing, What About The Mountains?

During the week leading up to Shavuos as my little son was singing the Har Sinai song, I was wondering why in Perek Shira the mountains don’t say Shira? The next day I said Perek Shira and when saying the Shira of the rivers, “Neharos Yimcha’u Kaf Yachad HaRim Yiraneinu”, let the rivers clap their hands, let the mountains sing for joy together I realized the mountains do sing! But what are they singing about? Why don’t they sing alone? And what is their connection to the rivers?

Maybe we can offer as follows. Water comes from the skies in small drops. These drops fall on the mountain which channels them in small streams that turn into raging rivers whose rushing waters and roaring rapids sound like people clapping.

We know that Torah is compared to water. “Yaarof KaMatar Likchi” (Haazinu 32:2). Drops of Torah fall from Shamayim onto the mountain. The mountain is the Rebbi who responsible to put the torah together and pass it along to Am Yisroel. The mountain is merely a link in the chain from Shamayim. This why, although, “Hashem Moloch Gei’us Laveish”, Hashem dresses in pride (Tehilim 93:1), the Torah is delivered through a low and humble mountain who recognizes that it is really Hashem’s Torah and it plays only a middleman’s role. That is why the Torah was given on the humble Har Sinai through the most humble person on the face of the earth, Moshe Rabbeinu.

The mountain does not boast of its individual accomplishment. Only when it hears the loud noises of Am Yisroel learning Torah way downstream, does it delight in knowing that its mission was accomplished and the sounds of Torah indeed fill the world. “Neharos Yimcha’u Kaf” when the rivers roar with the sounds of torah, then, Yachad HaRim Yiraneinu, together with them but in the background the humble mountains will rejoice.

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Daily Reminder, 25th Tishrei, 5771


Zechiras Miriam

Stop Loshon Hora
Stop Loshon Hora

Rav Elya Lopian Chooses Bombs Over Bombshells

Lashon Hara is a very dangerous matter for those “in the know”. Rav Elya Lopian was such a person. During the war years he was once hiding in a shelter because of the artillery bombardment raining down mortar shells on the city. Deep in thought, his concentration was suddenly disturbed by another person who was frantically telling him that the people were speaking Lashon Hara. Rav Elya said in that case we better run away from here immediately.

This story as retold in B’Yad HaLashon (pg 235 in the name of the Sam HaChaim) does not end there, and you can probably guess the ending. However for our purposes we do not need to continue.

Whether Rav Elya was afraid to stay because of the spiritual danger or the physical danger caused by speaking Lashon Hara, is not our issue. What this story clearly teaches us is that Lashon Hara to Rav Elya Lopian is a real tangible danger. It is cause enough to run out of a relatively safe haven to the streets where bombs are exploding all around.

“Zachor Eis Asher Asa Hashem L’Miriam BaDerech B’Tzaischem MiMitzrayim”

The Ramban and other Rishonim count, among the Mitzvos Aseh Min HaTorah, the mitzva of remembering and saying with your mouth each day what Hashem did to Miriam when she spoke about her brother Moshe. The Chofetz Chaim in Shaar Tvunah Perek 12 says that being Mikayem this mitzva can save you from the aveira of Lashon Hara. More than just saying the pasuk, says the Chofetz Chaim, one must think about the incident in order for it to have its intended effect.

Listen to our Shemiras HaLashon Yomi in our audio section. Two halachos a day according to the Luach. www.revach.net/audioarchives.php

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Avodah – Perek Shirah, 22nd Tishrei, 5771


Perek Shira

Perek Shirah: Shine Like The Moon

The moon rules the night. But does it really? The moon has no light of its own, it merely reflects the light of the sun. Some times the moon is full and shines bright. Sometimes it is so thin you can barely see it. Sometimes it is hidden and not visible at all. It doesn’t even come and go at a fixed time. Sometimes it shines a whole night and sometimes it sets very quickly right behind the sun.

The moon has nothing of its own, it is only a tributary of the sun, reflecting its light on the side of the earth that cannot see the hiding sun. The moon represents Klal Yisroel and each individual Yid. The sun represents Hashem. In this world Hashem is in hiding. We don’t have our own light, our task is to reflect Hashem’s hidden light on the world and make it a brighter place.

As much as we’d love to shine bright all the time, this is not in our control. Sometimes we are afforded the opportunity and resources to do great things and make a tremendous Kiddush Hashem. We also go through tougher periods where we try to stay afloat ourselves and have no opportunity to shine Hashem’s light elsewhere. This all depends on Hashem’s will and we must accept it happily.

The Moon sings (Tehilim 104:19), “Asa Yarei’ach LiMoadim” the moon is made to shine at unpredictable intervals. “Shemesh Yada Mivo’o”, only the sun knows when the moon will shine. The moon doesn’t ask, it takes advantage of every opportunity afforded it without question. Either way it sings a happy tune, eagerly awaiting the sun’s bright light so that it can light up the darkness of the night.

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Daily Reminder, 22nd Tishrei, 5771


Zechiras Miriam

Stop Loshon Hora
Stop Loshon Hora

Don’t Get Caught In The Cemetery!

The Shulchan Aruch (OC 606:3) says that there is a Cheirem to speak evil about someone who has already died. The Rema (CM 620:38) says that if you do so, you need to fast and give tzedaka. If the person’s kever is close by, then you need to go and ask them Mechila. If the kever is far away you may send a Shaliach.

“Zachor Eis Asher Asa Hashem L’Miriam BaDerech B’Tzaischem MiMitzrayim”

The Ramban and other Rishonim count, among the Mitzvos Aseh Min HaTorah, the mitzva of remembering and saying with your mouth each day what Hashem did to Miriam when she spoke about her brother Moshe. The Chofetz Chaim in Shaar Tvunah Perek 12 says that being Mikayem this mitzva can save you from the aveira of Lashon Hara. More than just saying the pasuk, says the Chofetz Chaim, one must think about the incident in order for it to have its intended effect.

Listen to our Shemiras HaLashon Yomi in our audio section. Two halachos a day according to the Luach. www.revach.net/audioarchives.php

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Avodah – Perek Shirah, 21st Tishrei, 5771


Perek Shira

Perek Shirah: The Fox Sings – Whose Assets Are You Leveraging?

The sly fox is a shrewd crook. He never produces anything himself, he’d rather just take from others through trickery. He doesn’t even have a home. He finds himself a cave where rodents and insects live and chases them out and makes himself comfortable. However his trickery catches up with him and he eventually falls into his own trap. To catch the fox the hunter sets up a fake cave equipped with a trap. When the fox devilishly makes his way into the cave he is finally caught and his life of injustice is over. (HaKol Yishabchucha – Birchas HaShir)

This is the meaning of the pasuk in Yirmiya (17:11), says the B’Soraso Yehgeh. “Korei Dagar V’Lo Yalad, Oseh Osher B’Lo Mishpat, BaChatzi Yamav Ya’azvenu”, the Dagar bird whistles and all the chicks follows him thinking the Dagar is their mother. However when they get older they will realize the truth and leave the Dagar empty.

Some people prefer not to build anything on their own. They prefer to sit idly while others build. Then they set their eyes on fruits of other peoples’ labor and scheme to take it from them through cunning and guile. Any scheme based on trickery will eventually collapse. Then all that you have amassed from others will disappear, leaving you caught like a fox in a fake safe haven.

The fox sings (Yirmiya 2:13), “Hoi Boneh Baiso B’Lo Tzedek”, woe is to the one who builds his fortune bereft of any sense of justice. This unjust wealth will eventually become his downfall.

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Daily Reminder, 21st Tishrei, 5771


Zechiras Miriam

Stop Loshon Hora
Stop Loshon Hora

Gedalia Is Taken To Task But We Still Fast

Gedalia ben Achikam is taken to task for being overzealous and halachicly incorrect for refusing to listen to the people who tried to warn him that Yishmael ben Natanya wanted to kill him. By wrongly not listening to Lashon Hara he caused his own downfall.

Here is a thought. Despite that he acted wrongly his death is still a fast day. Are there are any people who spoke Lashon Hara when they were not supposed to that we hold a fast for and mourn the day of their death? True a tzaddik is held accountable for even a small wrongdoing but the lesson of the day for us is not that we must be more lenient in listening to Lashon Hara. This seems quite sure.

“Zachor Eis Asher Asa Hashem L’Miriam BaDerech B’Tzaischem MiMitzrayim”

The Ramban and other Rishonim count, among the Mitzvos Aseh Min HaTorah, the mitzva of remembering and saying with your mouth each day what Hashem did to Miriam when she spoke about her brother Moshe. The Chofetz Chaim in Shaar Tvunah Perek 12 says that being Mikayem this mitzva can save you from the aveira of Lashon Hara. More than just saying the pasuk, says the Chofetz Chaim, one must think about the incident in order for it to have its intended effect.

Listen to our Shemiras HaLashon Yomi in our audio section. Two halachos a day according to the Luach. www.revach.net/audioarchives.php

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Avodah – Perek Shirah, 20th Tishrei, 5771


Perek Shira

Perek Shirah: Me-owch! The Galus is a Game of Cat & Mouse

The Knaf Renanim says that the cat is not a predator by nature. It is quite domesticated. The one thing the cat can’t stand is a mouse. This intense hatred towards a specific animal is unique to the cat among the animals. The mouse he says, although it seems like it only causes damage, that is only when it comes above ground to steal some food. However in its natural habitat below the ground, the mouse serves an important function in the world, even though we don’t know what that function is. Hashem created the cat’s ingrained hatred to keep the mouse where it belongs.

The Knaf Renanim says the Nimshal is Torah. The cat is the Yetzer Hara, the mouse is Am Yisroel and the ground is where the Torah is. I once heard a similar explanation with the Nimshal being the Galus. In Galus, Bnei Yisroel has been thrown to the ground. We are to remain there, absorbed only in Torah and Mitzvos. The big world out there with all its attractions is not for us. We are not invited to the party right now. If we stay underground and out of sight, we will remain safe and protected. When we become “curious” and venture out to enjoy the Gashmiyus the world has to offer, the cat or the “Umos HaOlam” become unhappy that we infringing on their turf. They are Hashem’s messengers to send us scampering back to where we belong.

Sometimes we venture out too far. The cat sees us and we run but we can’t make it back to our hole and we are caught. The cat mercilessly persecutes us and kills us with no chance of escape. The Knaf Renanim says that cat catches his prey batters it and then lets it go. The mouse thinks he has broken loose, but this is just a game. After a few feet he grabs him again and pummels him once more. After a few rounds of this game he finally eats him (I saw this with my own eyes once).

The cat says to the mouse, “Im Tagbia KaNesher V’Im Bein Kochavim Sim Kinecha M’Sham Oiridcha N’um Hashem”, if you choose to rise up to places you don’t belong, I will bring you down. “Erdof Oivai VaAsigaim V’Lo Ashuv Ad Kaloisum” I will chase my enemy and not return until I wipe him out.

When caught the mouse says, “V’Ata Tzadik Al Kol Haba Aleinu Ki Emes Asisa V’Anachnu Hirshanu”; you are justified in all you do. You are correct and we have been wicked.

It’s been a long galus with us buried in the ground. The times we’ve come up we’ve been hunted and killed. Hang in there and don’t leave your place. Our time will soon come and HaKadosh Boruch Hu will say, “Hisnari MeiAfar Kumi”; brush off the earth and rise once again. Bimheira Biyameinu Amein!

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Daily Reminder, 20th Tishrei, 5771


Zechiras Miriam

Stop Loshon Hora
Stop Loshon Hora

Did You Make Your Annual Resolution To Stop Speaking Lashon Hara?

Thanks to the Chofetz Chaim and all the great people who walk in his path, we are all very aware that Lashon Hara is one of our greatest crimes. Every year we resolve that this is the year we will stop it already. How long does it last? Hours? Days? Weeks? The whole year? Do we get cynical about realistically being able to beat the habit at some point?

The Chofetz Chaim (Shaar HaTvuna 15) says, “No! You can do it.” There are many bitter things in the world that with enough cooking and preparing, can be made sweet. True the Yetzer Hara is a formidable enemy but Hashem gives each and every one of us the ability to conquer him and turn him into a puppy dog. “Aleh V’Hatzliach”, go climb the mountain and you will be successful!

“Zachor Eis Asher Asa Hashem L’Miriam BaDerech B’Tzaischem MiMitzrayim”

The Ramban and other Rishonim count, among the Mitzvos Aseh Min HaTorah, the mitzva of remembering and saying with your mouth each day what Hashem did to Miriam when she spoke about her brother Moshe. The Chofetz Chaim in Shaar Tvunah Perek 12 says that being Mikayem this mitzva can save you from the aveira of Lashon Hara. More than just saying the pasuk, says the Chofetz Chaim, one must think about the incident in order for it to have its intended effect.

Listen to our Shemiras HaLashon Yomi in our audio section. Two halachos a day according to the Luach. www.revach.net/audioarchives.php

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Source: RevachL’Neshama

Avodah – Perek Shirah, 19th Tishrei, 5771


Perek Shira

Perek Shirah: The Hen – Can You Afford To Have Another Child?

The Gemara says that a hen which lays an egg every day proves that Hashem has made creation with the possibility of giving forth offspring every day. Does the hen not worry who will support all these chicks? The smart little hen knows the secret of how this world really works; parents do not provide the child with food Hashem does. A newborn child is not a burden on his earthly parents already strained budget. Each child is also a child of Hashem’s and is born with his own expense account from his Father in Heaven.

The Hen Sings “Nosen Lechem L’Chal Basar Ki L’Olam Chasdo”; Hashem provides sustenance to each individual because his kindness is eternal.

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